Chapter 14 - Detention

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Hermione P.O.V

After dinner in the Great hall I head out with Cedric and head to detention with Professor McGonagall. We walk in to see her marking papers. She doesn't look up but simply says.

"Please take a seat Miss Granger and Mister Diggory." We sit in the middle table next to each other. We sit in silence waiting for Professor McGonagall to finish grading papers. She sighs before standing up and walking towards us. She drops a book in front of both of us. 

"You are to study pages 365 and 366. I want you to take notes because that is what we will be doing in next lesson." She says before turning on her heel and walking away. I open my book and Cedric does the same. I get out my quill and parchment before I start writing notes. I see movement beside me and turn to see a note sat next to my left elbow. I pick up the parchment and read it. 

What exactly are we writing down? 

I feel the urge to roll my eyes but shrug it off. I write a reply before sliding it back.

Anything and everything.

I look at him and see him roll his eyes. I put my hand over my mouth as if to stop me from laughing. We make eye contact before hearing Professor McGonagall clear her throat whilst watching us. We turn back to our books and start writing notes again. After a few moments I glance up to see McGonagall has left the room. I turn to face Cedric to see him looking around the room. He meets my eye before speaking.

"Looks like McGonagall got sick of us already." He says in a teasing voice. 

"She probably is." I laugh causing him to smile.

"Have you heard there's a Hogsmeade weekend coming up?" Cedric says looking at me.

"Yes. Do you plan on going?" I ask. 

"Yeah I was uh...actually going to ask if you'd like to accompany me to Hogsmeade." He says with a nervous yet hopeful look.

"You want to go with me? Out of all people. I thought you would be going with Cho." He frowns.

"Cho? Why would I go with Cho?" 

"Aren't you guys together or something." I say looking down at my book.

"What? No we're not together we're just friends besides I'd rather go with you because I quite like your company." 

I contemplate on what I should do. 

"I'll go with you. What time should I meet you before we leave?" 

"9:45am should do because we leave at 10:00am."

"Ok great." I smile. 

"I'll meet you outside of the Great Hall."  

I nod before I hear the door open and notice Cedric quickly go back to reading his book.  


And hour later McGonagall dismisses us and we leave the classroom. We walk in silence before I feel something grab hold of my hand. I look down to see a hand interlocked with mine. I look up to Cedric and see him smile at me causing me to blush. Cedric speaks.

I hear a door open behind me and turn to see Professor McGonagall standing there with a raised brow.

"Miss Granger a word." I nod before heading back into the classroom we had previously exited. "You may head back to your dormitories now Mister Diggory." I hear the older witch say I turn to look at the door, I meet Cedric's gaze and nod. He hesitates for a moment before turning and walking away. He glances back before mouthing goodnight. I mouth it back and the McGonagall shuts the door.

"Have a seat Miss Granger." She says gesturing towards her desk. I spot a spare chair and pull it up to the desk so that I am sitting opposite her.

"Biscuit?" She asks but I shake my head. I feel worry spread throughout my body. What if I was in trouble?

"Don't look so nervous dear you aren't in any kind of trouble." I let out a sigh of relief. 

"I asked to see you so that I could ask you about your friendship with Mister Diggory." I feel a blush creep up my neck and my cheeks begin to heat up. 

"We're just friends." I say not meeting her eye. She looks at me with a raised brow as she puts sugar in the empty mug in front of her. She stays silent as she pours hot water into her cup. I glance around the room until I hear her clear her throat. I turn to look back at her.

"Miss Granger in all 7 years that Mister Diggory has been at Hogwarts I can assure you that he has never acted the way that he does with you." 

"That doesn't mean that we're more than friends." 

"I never said you were dear. I'm just simply saying that maybe you might see Mister Diggory as something more than just a friend."

"What...uh no we hardly even know each other."

"Then get to know him dear."

"Believe me I'm trying." I say and I see the older witch smile. "But he's probably into someone else so there's no point in having feelings for him."

"Have you spoke to him about it?" 

"No because it would sound dumb." She sighs. 

"All I can suggest is that you talk to him. You never know what might happen. He may just surprise you." I nod my head before standing up. 

"Is that all Professor?" She nods before bidding me goodnight. I leave her classroom and head back to the Gryffindor common room. When I'm walking down the corridor towards the seventh floor I hear a noise. I turn around and look around before I continue walking. A few seconds later I hear another noise which causes me to look behind me. I don't pay attention to where I am going and crash into none other than Snape. 

"Well, well, well, what have we here? Miss Granger are you aware that it is after hours?" 

"Yes Professor I was just..." I try to explain that I had detention but no words come out of my mouth. 

"Well whatever you were doing you clearly couldn't keep track of the time so therefore you have detention with me tomorrow after dinner. Am I clear?" I nod my head and he walks past me. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I quickly start walking again so that I can get back to the common room as soon as possible.

When I get back to the common room I head up to the girls dormitories and brush my teeth before getting dressed for bed. I soon drift off to sleep with today's events replaying in my mind.

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