Chapter 16 - Meant to be yours

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Hermione P.O.V

DADA was slightly better than last time. Professor Moody only spoke for about half an hour before assigning us to write notes for an essay about each unforgivable curse. Although the topic did make me uncomfortable, I knew I had to know the true realities of the world we live in since Voldemort was slowly but surely returning. 

As I was in the middle of writing my notes I heard a voice next to me. 

"Mione." I look next to me to see Cedric looking at me expectantly.

"Yes?" I whisper before quickly glancing at Professor Moody to make sure he didn't notice me and Cedric whispering to each other.

"Wanna head to the library together after the lesson is over and work on our essays together?" I feel the corners of my mouth slowly curl into a small smile. 

"Sure." I say meeting his gaze. I hear someone clear their throat and look over to see Ron glaring at me before shaking his head at me as if to say no. I look away from him and keep my head down to continue with my notes. 

I grab my quill and start scribbling down notes. I feel my hand begin to hurt before deciding that I've finished writing notes. I quietly glance up and meet Ron's eyes. He scribbles something on a piece of parchment before tearing it off and asking Harry to pass it along to me. Harry passes the note to me and I hide it from Cedric. I open the note and read it. 


You can't seriously be considering hanging out with Diggory instead of  me and Harry after class. What is even going on between you two? Can't you see that he is just playing you and you're letting him. I honestly thought you would have been smarter than this. 

I quickly scrumple the note and put my head on the table before tears start falling. Why would Ron say all of those horrible things. Was he jealous of mine and Cedric's friendship? I manage to stop the tears from falling and I quietly cast a quick refreshing charm on myself before looking up. 

Cedric goes to say something but is cut off by Professor Moody dismissing the class. I tell Cedric to meet me at the library. He doesn't say anything but gives me a nod. When he leaves I approach Ron as Harry is walking away. I quickly glance around the classroom to make sure that Professor Moody isn't in the room, luckily he'd already left.

"Oh so you finally decided I was worth your time and ditched Diggory to talk to me."

"What is your problem with Cedric, Ronald?" I say with a tired sigh.

"Who says I have a problem?"

"No one had to say you had a problem because you made it obvious that you did when you sent the note in class and now the first thing you mention is my friendship with Cedric like it is any of your business." I say rolling my eyes. 

"Oh please Mione why would he ever choose someone like you when he has people like Cho who are interested in him and besides it's meant to be me and you that end up together, not you and Diggory." 

"That's what all this is about, you being jealous of my friendship with Cedric." 

"I'm not jealous, I just don't see what's so special about him that you have to ditch me and Harry for him."

"Oh for Merlin's sake I'm not ditching you and Harry, I'm just spending time with Cedric who just so happens to be my best friend. If you can't handle that then maybe we shouldn't be friends until you learn to accept it." I say looking down.

"You're seriously choosing to be friends with him over me." Ron says, his face turning red. 

"I'm not choosing, I'm just saying of you can't respect my friendship with Cedric then you aren't worth being around until you can be my friend and actually be happy for me being friends with someone besides you, Harry and Ginny." I say as I start walking away. I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"You're making a mistake choosing him over me. I'm meant to be yours and you're meant to be mine. Eventually you'll see it my way." Ron says before walking away. I sigh before leaving and going to the library to meet Cedric. I push the door open and see him with a book in his hands. I sit next to him.

"Hey." I say, Cedric looks up and sends me a smile.

"Hi what took you so long?" He asks.

"Oh I just had to talk to Ron and then we got into an argument."

"What did you guys get into an argument about?" Cedric asks, his brows furrowing.

"He was just being jealous that I was friends with you and that we hang out a lot more then me, him and Harry do or something like that."

"Well what did you say?" 

"I said that you were one of my best friends and if he didn't like the fact that I was spending time with you, I couldn't be friends with him until he accepted it." I say with a shrug.

"I'm one of your best friends?" Cedric says with a playful smile. 

"Well yeah I mean only if you want to be." I say and Cedric lets out a laugh.

"Of course I want to be. Who wouldn't want to be friends with the Hermione Granger, brightest witch of her age or as some  might say an insufferable know it all who is best friends with the Harry Potter." Cedric says in a teasing tone.

 "Oh shut up." I say lightly hitting his arm which causes him to laugh again. When he finally calms down I look over to the book he was reading to realize it was a muggle book. Cedric notices me looking at the book and hurries to hide it.

"You were reading Romeo and Juliet?" I say teasingly.

"What me? Pfft no." I look at him and he lets out a sigh. "Ok fine I was but only because we were told to read it in muggle studies." I don't believe him but decide not to push him on the subject.

"Okay if you say so. Now what do you say we start on these essays?" I say quickly changing the topic.

"I say we should get a move on because these essays aren't going to write themselves." I laugh before getting my parchment and quill ready to start my essay.

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