Chapter 19 - Care for Magical Creatures

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Third person P.O.V

Hermione and Cedric walked up to their friends without realizing that their hands were still linked and the looks from other students. Hermione kept her head down as they passed people.

"Hey guys." Harry and Mace says in unison. They both glance down at their best friend's hands, which are linked together.

"What?" Hermione says seeing the knowing looks from the two boys.

"There's something different about the two of you." Harry says eyeing the pair suspiciously.

"Yeah, you guys are a lot more smiley than usual. What's happened?"

"Nothing." The two say in unison.

Hermione P.O.V

Me and Cedric look at each other before smiling and looking down. I feel a blush creep up my neck.

"Wait, are you guys like together now?" Harry asks.

"We haven't decided that yet." Cedric says and I nod in agreement.

"I think we're just going to see where this goes before we decide anything." Cedric nods in agreement and the two boys shrug before heading to class.

Me and Cedric stand next to each other with our hands linked. We stand closer together than usual whilst listening to Hagrid tell us about different magical creatures.

Hagrid then sets out an assignment, to pick a mythical creature and to research them and then write an essay about them. Seems simple enough. I head back towards the castle to get started on my work when I feel a someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn to see Cedric smiling at me, causing me to smile back.


"Hi." He says before linking our hands, we then start walking together.

"So which mythical creature are you going to write your essay about?" I ask him.

" I was hoping to write about a dragon but I don't know which breed yet though. I just find them fascinating to be honest and they're really intelligent creatures." He says with a smile. I smile at the way his face lights up talking about them. "What?" I shake my head, unable to take the smile off of my face. "Are you laughing at me?"

"No. Of course not, it's just that when you were talking about dragons, your face lit up and you looked so happy. I don't think I've ever seen you so happy to talk about something. I just wanted to listen to you talk about something you are passionate about just so I could see how happy it makes you." I say with a smile, he then grins at me before stopping and glancing around us before placing a kiss on my lips. I feel myself melt into the kiss, he smiles into the kiss before pulling away.

"So what mythical creature are you doing your essay about?" He says with his forehead leaning on mine.

"I don't know I was thinking of doing maybe a phoenix because they're very interesting with how their tears can revive people and cure them of any injuries." I say with a shrug. After a brief silence I speak again. "So are you going to work with dragons when you leave Hogwarts?" I ask him as we stand waiting for Hagrid to show up, because we are early to the class. 

"No, I am going to become an auror." He says with a sad smile. I realize he's not showing how he really feels about being an auror. 

"Is that what you really want to do?" 

"No but it will make my dad proud." He says with a shrug as if that is a reasonable explanation. 

"Cedric, you can't just throw away your future just to make your dad proud. What about actually doing a job that you want to do. It's your life not his." I say, trying not to sound as though I'm lecturing him.

"Yeah, but I just don't know how to find the right words to tell my dad, without disappointing him."

"Well just talk to him about dragons the same way you did with me, and if he notices that your face lights up talking about them then maybe he will see that you don't want to be an auror." Cedric smiles at me gratefully. 

"Thanks I'll be sure to try that when I next see him." We head to the library to begin our research on magical creatures. 


When we get to the library we immediately find a table and place our bags on it. I start getting my parchment and quill out as Cedric heads over to grab some books. After searching for a few moments, Cedric comes back with a handful of books. As he places them on the table I decide to head over and grab some books about phoenix's. 

When I sit beside Cedric, we don't speak but immediately start reading the books in front of us. I start scribbling notes on my piece of parchment. When I start to feel a slight ache in my wrist I give my hand a rest and turn to look beside me to see Cedric writing notes down enthusiastically. I smile at the thought of him happy, I decide not to interrupt him and go back to writing my essay. 

After an hour I eventually finish my essay and turn to  see that Cedric has also just finished. I sigh in relief to be finished and stretch feeling all of the tension leave my body. I look at Cedric to see him smiling at me. 

"You want to head down to the kitchens and get some food before next lesson?" He says and I nod almost instantly. At that exact moment my stomach lets out a growl. I blush and Cedric laughs before grabbing the books he was using and putting them back in their original places. When he comes back and starts clearing up his parchment and quill, I then pick up my stack of books and put them back. I then roll my parchment up and putting it in my bag. I then put the lid on my quill and ink before placing them in my bag.

We then leave the library hand in hand. Cedric starts up a conversation  with me as we walk there. As we passed numerous students I couldn't help but feel like most of the girls were glaring at me. I shake off the feeling and continue talking to Cedric towards the kitchens.

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