Chapter 17- Triwizard Champions

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Hermione P.O.V
After Cedric and I finish writing our essays we gather our stuff before walking out of the library deep in conversation. Cedric and I walk to the Great Hall as it is time for dinner. We walk into the hall to see it pretty empty as it was still quite early. We walk over to the Gryffindor table and sit down before engaging in a conversation. Cedric is sat across from me. I glance at the doors to see Harry and Mace walking in laughing and talking to each other.

"Hey you guys." Harry says before sitting beside me and Mace mirrors him on the other side of the table so that they are opposite to each other.

"Hey Harry." I say smiling at him. The three boys start talking about quidditch which causes me to zone out. I look back to the doors of the Great Hall and notice Ron looking angry before he starts heading over to sit down next to me.

"Uh oh." I mutter under my breath. I hadn't realized that Cedric, Harry and Mace had heard me and turn to look in the direction I was looking in to see Ron. Harry turns to me and I notice the look in his eye. Ron sits down beside me and immediately starts filling his plate with food.

Sensing the tension between me and Ron, Harry speaks up.

"So who do you guys think the champions are going to be?"

"I think Krum is definitely going to be the champion for Durmstrang. I'm not sure about Beauxbatons though. And I hope I get to be the champion for Hogwarts because that way I can leave with a bang." Cedric says with a shrug.

"I'm sure you'll get to be the champion Cedric." I say with an encouraging smile. Cedric sends me an appreciative smile.

"Thanks 'Mione." The group falls into a long silence before Ginny comes and sits down at the table.

"Hey guys." She says with a smile.

"Hey." Everyone says in unison. Suddenly the hall falls silent as Dumbledore approaches the podium and starts speaking.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for... the champion selection."  Dumbledore shoots his hand in front of him. Everyone looks around confused. He places his hand beside the goblet. The flame glowing a fantastic blue before turning bright red. A piece of parchment fires out and Dumbledore catches it and I feel my breath hitch. Dumbledore reads the name before looking up.

"The Durmstrang champion is ... Viktor Krum." There are cheers from the Durmstrang members. Viktor stands up and shakes Dumbledore's hand before walking off to a room. The flame of the goblet turns red again and another name shoots out.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour." Another round of cheers come but this time from the Beauxbatons girls. Fleur stands up and shakes Dumbledore's hand and walking in the same direction of Viktor. The third name shoots out and Dumbledore reads it.

"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory." There are cheers from all the houses apart from some Slytherins.

"Congratulations Ced." I say with a smile, which causes him to smile back. He says a quick thanks before he stands up and shakes Dumbledore's hand. He then heads to where Fleur and Viktor previously exited. I see a look of relief appear on Harry's face.

"Excellent." Dumbledore yells. "We now have our three champions. But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist chalice of champions. This vessel of victory. The Triwizard Cup." Dumbledore points to a piece of fabric. The fabric flies off to reveal a beautiful cup that is glowing blue.

After all the champions had been called Dumbledore bid everyone goodnight. Students start to make their way out of the hall including us. I stop outside of the room where all the champions were gathered and I just stare at the door.

"Mione, are you coming?" Harry asks me when he realized I'd stopped.

"You guys go on ahead, I think I'll just wait here for Cedric if that's okay." I say blushing at everyone's eyes on me.

"Okay we'll see you tomorrow." Harry says as they all bid me goodnight. I stay stood outside the door for at least 5 minutes before all the champions come out of the room. When Cedric sees me his face lights up .

"Hey." He says with a smile.

"Hi." I say smiling back. We start walking in silence before I speak up. "So... how does it feel to be Hogwarts champion?" I say nudging his shoulder, causing him to let out a chuckle.

"It shocked me at first to be honest because I didn't think I'd actually be chosen. But now that I am I feel proud that I am going to represent Hogwarts."

"Well I'm glad you're happy." We fall silent before Cedric breaks it this time.

"Hermione?" He says quietly.


"Are you upset that I got chosen to be Triwizard Champion?"

"What makes you think I'm upset about it? I'm scared for you because I don't know what's going to happen with this tournament. But I'm not upset--" I got cut off by Cedric hugging me. I stand there frozen for a second before I snap out of my shock and hug him back. We stand there just enjoying each others embrace before finally Cedric pulls away so that he can look at me.

"Thank you."

"What for?" I say confused.

"For looking out for me and caring for me. Not many people would do that but you have so thank you."

I smile at the sincerity on his face and in his words.

"We should probably head to our dorm because it's getting late." I say, hating the fact that I ruined the moment. Cedric nods in agreement.

"I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast?" He says searching my face, I smile and nod.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He turns and starts walking in the opposite direction happy with my answer. I turn to do the same but before I can leave I notice a change in Cedric's demeanor as he stops. He comes back and quickly drops a soft kiss to my cheek.

"Goodnight Mione." He says with a smile before walking down the corridor. I stand there shocked and place my hand on my cheek where Cedric's lips had just been. I feel myself blush as I start walking back to the Gryffindor common room. I open the portrait and enter the common room sighing contently to myself. I snap out of my daze and head up to the girl's dormitory. I take a quick shower and put on my PJ'S . I then brush my teeth before climbing into bed. I fall asleep almost instantly with a certain grey eyed Hufflepuff on my mind.

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