Chapter 20 - People help the people

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A//N - Hello, I'm back so I'll be updating more often. Sorry to have not posted as much in a while but I'm hoping to be posting more often as I have more free time. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Cedric P.O.V

As Hermione and I left the library I feel her hand tighten around mine and immediately look over to where she is looking and see numerous students passing by, whilst murmuring to each other. We both pick up the pace to get out of the corridors quicker. I'm not embarrassed to be seen with Hermione, I just know what it's like having people whisper and gossip about your life when they don't even know you.

When we reach the door to the kitchens I turn to Hermione so that I am facing her, she does the same.

"Ced..." She says in such a quiet voice I nearly missed what she said.

"Yeah?" I say just as quiet as her. She thinks about what she wants to say and I can see her hesitate before she responds.

"What do you think people are going to be saying about us spending time together?" I let out a sigh and look down to the floor.

"Honestly?" I ask and she nods her head. "I have no idea, but I don't care what people have to say because all I know is that I like spending time with you and I can't5 help but smile just knowing that I'll get to see you. So let them say whatever they like because they're just sad people who have nothing else to do with themselves."

I see Hermione look down to the floor with a slight blush on her tanned cheeks.

"You mean it?" She says sounding hopeful. When I nod, she leaps forward and wraps her arms around my neck in a tight embrace. I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my head into the side of her neck, I breathe in the smell of orange and jasmine and sigh.

When she pulls away she bites her lip.

"Sorry..." She says looking down embarrassed by her own actions. I place my finger under her chin and tilt her head so that she is looking up at me. 

"Don't be, love." I smile when her face turns a darker shade of pink. I open the door to the kitchens before gesturing for her to go in first.

When we walk in there are elves doing multiple things, three are washing dishes, four are cooking the feast for tonight and two are talking to each other whilst sweeping the floor. I take her hand and lead her to the table. We sit down side by side, and an elf approaches us. 

"What can Bopsy get for you young Mister Diggory?"

"I'll have a slice of apple pie if that's alright." I say with a smile. 

"Of course sir and what about the you Miss Granger?" 

"I'll have the same please." The elf nods and turns around to get to work.

"So tell me , what's it like being a Triwizard champion?" Hermione asks moving to sit across from me. 

"It's weird because it feels like everyone who I know, is seeing me differently all because I became a champion, I mean am I really any different than before?" I say with a sigh. 

"No of course not. People just need to get it through their heads that you're the same person and that you're doing this for yourself. But if this is about people like Rita Skeeter then you can't show her that she's getting to you." Hermione says with a sad, knowing smile.

"How do you do it?" I blurt the question out without even thinking.

"How do I do what?" She asks looking at me curiously. 

"How do put up with what people say about you in school and in the media and still find a way to not let them get the better of you?" I ask meeting her eyes for the first time since our conversation began. She sighs. 

"I was bullied ever since I can remember, even before I came here. I was always the outsider, I was called a freak or a know it all. But over time I realized that the more I showed them that they got to me, the more they would pick on me. I knew there was only one solution, don't show people that they get to me and ever since I never let anyone see that they got to me. It's the only way I can protect myself from getting hurt."

I stay silent at her words, she had been through far worse than I had and yet here she was, acting as though it didn't bother her in the slightest. I feel a need to protect her from the cruel world that we live in. 

"Well if someone ever says anything to you, then let me know and I'll be sure to put them in their place no matter who they are." She smiles at my words. 

"You would do that for me?" 

"Of course I would. I want to be someone who you can rely on and be able to have your back when you need me to." She grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze, this causes me to smile. 

Our slices of apple pie arrive and we thank Bopsy before tucking in. The sweet taste of apple hits my tongue and I hum in approval before taking another bite. I look over to see Hermione eating small chunks of the pie. I smile before finishing off my own slice. We sit in silence for a small while until Hermione finishes her slice of pie. She wipes the corners of her mouth before standing up. 

"We should head back, it's getting late and I have an essay to finish before Hagrid's next lesson." I nod and stand up, however I don't follow her immediately. Instead I grab her hand and twirl her so that our faces are inches apart. Her hands are on my chest, when she realizes where her hands are she blushes. I lean down and kiss her cheek. 

"Now we can go." She turns an even darker shade of red which causes me to smile. When she pulls herself together she takes my hand and we leave the kitchens. When we arrive outside the Gryffindor common, we just stand looking at each other in silence. Hermione is the first one to break the silence.

"Well I'll see at the feast tonight." I nod before turning away. I feel a small hand grab mine and I turn around, Hermione wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a quick peck on the lips, causing me to grin like an idiot. 

"What was that for?" I ask, unable to wipe the grin off my face. 

"Just felt like it." She shrugs before saying a quick goodbye and going into the Gryffindor common room, leaving me standing outside. I snap out of my daze and head back to the Hufflepuff common room. When I reach my bed, I fall onto it with a happy sigh. 

"You seem happy." Mace says from the other side of the room.

"That's because I am happy." I say staring at the ceiling thinking about Hermione and when I'll see her again at the feast. 

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