Chapter 3 - The Feast

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Hermione P.O.V

We had arrived at Hogwarts. I said a quick goodbye to Cedric before we both went our separate ways with our friends.

"Hey guys." I smile at them.

"Where have you been? We looked everywhere on the platform and there was no sign of you."

"Oh I'm sorry, I sat on the train with Cedric. I thought you all got on the train without me because none of you were around the platform when I looked." Ron looked angry for some reason.

"Well the main thing is that you're here now." Harry smiles at me and we walk into the Great Hall ready for the feast. As we walk in my eyes lock with a pair of steel grey ones and I immediately know it's Cedric. I look away with a slight blush and sit down next to Ginny with Harry and Ron sat across from us. Me and Ginny sit with our backs to the Slytherin table when we hear the one and only voice of Draco Malfoy behind us.

"Well well well look who it is. It's Mudblood, the two Weasels and Pottah."

"Shove off Malfoy." I say while rolling my eyes.

"How dare you talk to me? You filthy little Mudblood."

"Is that the only insult you have because it's really old at this point."

"My father will hear about this."

"Your father hears about everything."

Draco's friends who I recognize as Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott laugh. Draco goes to say something but gets cut off by Dumbledore starting his speech. Draco gets close enough so only I can hear him.

"You're lucky this time Mudblood but next time you won't be so lucky. You should just give up, it's not like your friends would care. So do everyone a favor and die." With that he turns his back to me.

Ginny is about to say something when Dumbledore continues talking. After about 5 minutes of talking Dumbledore finally dismisses himself and the food appears on all the tables. Everyone starts digging in. Everyone but me.

"You alright 'Mione?" Ginny and Harry look at me with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine just tired is all." I smile at them.

"But-" Ginny tries to protest but Ron cuts her off.

"If she says she's fine then she's fine Ginny. Leave it at that." Ron sounds irritated but goes back to stuffing his face with food once again.

"I'm going to go to the library and study for a bit. I'll meet you guys at the common room ok?"

"Ok 'Mione." I stand up and start walking to the library when I see Neville hanging upside down and a bunch of Slytherins are stood around him laughing.

I walk over to the group and get my wand out before letting him down. The group stops laughing.

"Thanks 'Mione." Neville smiles at me before walking away quickly.

"Ugh look who it is." Says one of the girls. I recognize her as Daphne Greengrass.

"Mudblood Granger." Another says and they start circling me. I recognize her as Astoria Greengrass.

"Why are you spoiling our fun?" The third girl says and I recognize her as Pansy Parkinson.

I scoff.

"Fun. You call picking on someone for no reason 'fun'?"

"Yes we do actually." Pansy smirks.

"But if you prefer we'll just pick on you instead." Daphne says.

I try to walk away but I get pushed into the wall behind me by Pansy. She shoves me to the ground before Daphne and Astoria start kicking and punching me.

"Next time don't mess with us." And with that the three Slytherin girls were gone.

Cedric P.O.V

I had just finished eating my dinner and decide to study a bit before lessons start tomorrow. I was walking past when I heard someone whimpering and crying. I walk into the hallway and I am immediately met with the site of Hermione Granger on the floor covered in bruises. I rush over without a second thought. I kneel down next to the younger girl.

"Hermione what happened?" I help her stand.

"Slytherins were hanging Neville upside down so I let him down and then they all cornered me and now here we are."

She tries to walk away but stumbles and trips. Before she could fall and hit the cold floor I catch her. She opens her eyes and looks at me. I feel my heart start to race. 

"I think we should get you to the Hospital wing." She just nods. I pick her up and carry her to the Hospital wing and lay her carefully on the bed. Madame Promfrey rushes to us.

"Oh dear what happened?"


Hermione cuts me off.

"I was playing quidditch and got hit by bludgers and fell."

The mediwitch nods and turns around. Hermione just weakly smiles at me.

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