Chapter 11 - Champions?

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Hermione P.O.V

I woke up with a slight smile on my lips. I yawn and stretch before getting up and dressed for the day. When I'm done I walk out of the common room and head to the Great Hall. Almost instantly my eyes meet with Cedric's and memories of last night come into my mind. I smile at him and he smiles back at me which causes me to blush. Since it's only 7:35 and Harry and Ron aren't up yet I sit down at the Gryffindor table and start reading my book. Cedric comes over and sits across from meat the Gryffindor table.

"Hey 'Mione." He says with a smile.

"Hi Ced." I smile back at him putting my book down and grabbing a bowl of oatmeal. Cedric scrunches his nose causing me to laugh.


"You could've chosen anything from the table and you chose oatmeal?" He asks. I laugh and put the oatmeal back.

"Fine what should I eat then?" I ask him with a ghost of a smile on my lips.

"This." He says grabbing me a plate with a few pancakes on it. I look at him only to see him grinning at me. He sets the plate down in front of me and I start eating one pancake when Cedric starts poking his fork in. I turn to look at him and he shoves the fork into his mouth with a boyish smile. I laugh and push the plate towards him. He smiles and we both share the pancakes between us. When Cedric and I take our last bites we let out content sighs and smile at each other for what seems like the millionth time since I entered the hall.

I open my book and start reading before scribbling down some notes on parchment. Cedric does the same and we start helping each other with homework before Harry, Ron, Mace and Justin sit next to us along with Ginny. Mace, Harry and Ginny just laugh.

"What Cedric asks looking up from his book.

"Of course it's you two that are either reading or studying." Mace says and harry sniggers next to him.

"He's got a point." Harry says with his hands in surrender when me and Cedric glare at him. We both shrug our shoulders and look back down at our books.

Cedric P.O.V

I woke up with a smile as memories of the previous night flood into my mind. I blush at the thought of her. I go and get dressed for the day ahead. When I'm dressed I head down to the Great Hall. I sit at the Hufflepuff table looking around not seeing any of my friends up yet and the hall is pretty much empty until I see Hermione walks in. Our eyes meet as soon as she walks in. She smiles at me and I feel my cheeks heat up. I smile back at her before standing up and walking over to the Gryffindor table and sat opposite her.

"Hey Mione." I say unable to take the smile off my face.

"Hi Ced." She smiles back at me before grabbing a bowl of oatmeal. I scrunch my nose causing her to laugh. Her laugh is beautiful.


"You could've chosen anything from the table and you chose oatmeal?" I ask with a scrunched up nose. She laughs and puts the oatmeal back.

"Fine what should I eat then?" She asks me with a ghost of a smile on her lips. I look at the food on the table and spot pancakes.

"This." I grab a plate with pancakes on it. She looks at me as I set the plate down in front of her and she starts eating some of the first pancake before I poke my fork in. She turns and looks at me and I shove the piece of pancake into my mouth with a smile. She laughs and pushes the plate towards me. I smile and we both share the rest of the pancakes between us. When we take our last bites we let out content sighs and smile at each other for what seems like the millionth time within a few minutes.

Hermione opens her book and starts reading. I do the same and we start helping each other with homework before Harry, Ron, Mace, Justin and Ginny sits next to us. Mace, Harry and Ginny just laugh.

"What?" I say looking up from my book.

"Of course it's you two that are either reading or studying." Mace says and harry sniggers next to him.

"He's got a point." Harry says with his hands in surrender when me and Hermione glare at him. We both shrug our shoulders and look back down at our books.

After about 5 minutes of reading and studying, me and Hermione close our books and start conversation with our friends.

"Have you guys heard that apparently they're announcing who's going to be taking part in the Triwizard Tournament tonight at the feast?" Mace says. Me and Hermione look at each other then back at Mace.

"Where did you hear that?" Hermione asks with a slight panicked look in her eye. No one else seems to notice.

"I heard people talking about it in the common room on my way down to breakfast." He says with a shrug.

No one says anything and then Hermione stands up.

"I'm going to head to class." She says grabbing her book from the table.

"But there's still 10 minutes." Ron says. Hermione rolls her eyes at him and smiles at me before leaving.

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