Chapter 15 - Secret

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Hermione P.O.V

I wake up with a really bad headache. I groan before stretching and getting out of bed. I head into the bathroom before showering and getting ready for the day.

When I'm finished getting dressed I decide to style my hair. I grab my wand and cast a spell to tame my bushy curls into silky smooth waves. I then tie half of my hair up before taking one last look in the mirror and grabbing my school bag and heading down to the common room.

I leave through the portrait hole and then head down to the Great Hall. I grab an apple and place it in my bag before picking up a muffin and walking out of the hall. I head to the library whilst eating my muffin. I hear footsteps behind me but I decide to ignore it. I decide to stop by the hospital wing to get a pain relief potion from Madame Promfrey.

When I step into the Hospital wing I glance around to see that it is empty. I walk towards Madame Pomfrey's office. I knock on the door before hearing a faint 'come in.' I open the door and see Madame Promfrey smiling at me.

"Hello Miss Granger how may I help you?"

"I was just wondering if you would be able to help me. I woke up with a headache and I'm just feeling a bit off today." She looks at me and then nods her head. She stands up and leaves to get the potions. She comes back after a few minutes and places the vials in front of me.

"These should last until the end of the day and if doesn't then be sure to come back and I'll give you a check up and see what I can do for you." I nod and down one of the potions. I instantly feel a little bit better but not fully.

"Thank you for your help Madame Promfrey." I smile at her as I turn to leave. As soon as I walk out I don't notice the figure stood by the doorway.

"So what was that about?" I jump in surprise and then turn to see Cedric.

"Merlin don't do that you nearly gave me a heart attack." I say and place my hand on my chest to calm my rapid heart beat.

"Sorry." We stay stood in silence for a moment before I speak. "I just had to see Madame Promfrey about a girl thing." He nods in understanding.

I start walking away and he catches up and walks with me.

"I saw you walk in the Great Hall. You didn't stay very long."

"I just wanted to get some studying in before classes this morning because I didn't get a chance to last night."

"Speaking of last night what did McGonagall want to talk to you about?"

"She just wanted to see if I wanted to help out in library but I told her that I was too busy." I say quickly coming up with an excuse.

"The Hermione Granger turned down a chance to help out in the library. Now that I find hard to believe."

"It's true I have too much homework and not to mention I have to try and keep Harry and Ron out of trouble this year. Besides I need to be able to keep an eye on them and I won't be able to if I'm in the library all the time."

Cedric holds his hands up in surrender.

"If you say so, then I believe you." I nod.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to rant at you I'm just tired."

"It's alright, I understand." He sends me a comforting smile.

"So what time did you actually leave McGonagall's office last night?" Cedric says as we walk towards the library.

"I don't actually know if I'm honest." Cedric laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask looking at him with my brows furrowed. Our eyes meet and I see a twinkle in his eye.

"Nothing. It's just weird hearing you say that you don't know something I guess." I snort at his words.

"So I heard that they are announcing the Triwizard champions tonight at dinner. Are you excited?" I ask meeting his eye just outside the library door.

"Yeah I really hope I get chosen." I nod and open the library door and gesture for him to go in. He walks in.

"I hope you get chosen too." I say with a small smile before walking in after him.

"So I was wondering if I do get chosen tonight that you'll come to the Hufflepuff common room and celebrate with us."

"Cedric I would but I have detention with Professor Snape tonight."

"Why do you have detention with Snape?"

"Because by the time I left Professor McGonagall's office it was way after curfew and I was just a few minutes away from the common room when I bumped into Professor Snape and him being the miserable sod he is, he gave me another detention" I say and Cedric barks out a laugh at my words.

"Alright how about if I am a champion you make it up to me on the Hogsmeade weekend?"

"Deal." I say before Cedric shakes his head. I look at him confused and his face pulls into a smirk. He holds his left pinky out. I laugh at his antics.

"You have to pinky promise." He says with a cheeky smirk. I look at his hand and then at him again to see that he is being serious.

I link my finger with his before speaking.

"I Hermione Granger promise to make it up to Cedric Diggory on the Hogsmeade weekend for missing the party in the Hufflepuff common room if he becomes Triwizard champion." I say enthusiastically. Our eyes meet and we burst into fits of laughter.

When we finally calm ourselves we open our books and start studying. I glance at my watch every few minutes to make sure we aren't late for our next class. By the time I finish writing my notes me and Cedric head to DADA. We are the first ones to arrive so we just head into the class and sit down beside each other.

I hope this class isn't like last time. Professor Moody knows how to make student fear him that is for sure. 

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