Chapter 7 - Care for Creatures

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A/N - I know Buck beak was introduced in the prisoner of Azkaban but I wanted to put it in this chapter with a slight twist.

Hermione P.O.V

After potions and charms I headed for the castle grounds trying to avoid any of my friends as much as possible. I sit down by a tree and sigh before getting out my book and some parchment. I am in the middle of writing notes when I hear a group of people walk towards me. I look up and I am face to face with Pansy, Daphne and Astoria.

"Aw guys look, Mudblood is here all alone." Pansy says with a wicked smirk and the others laugh. I pack my things and stand up.

"Shove off Parkinson." I try to walk away but they block my path.

"Omg I can see why no one likes you. You're so fat." Astoria laughs causing the other two girls to laugh with her.

"And let's not forget ugly." Daphne adds.

"And a Mudblood." Pansy adds.

I look down and feel tears prick my eyes ready to come out but I hold them back. I gather all of my Gryffindor courage and speak.

"I don't care what you three think Parkinson and the Mudblood term doesn't affect me anymore because it's kind of old." With that I walk away from them. I hear one of them shout after me.

"You should lose some weight and then maybe some of your friends would actually like you."

"Or you should die it's not like anyone would care anyway."

I walk faster not watching where I'm going and bump into someone.

"Sorry." I look up to see Harry, Cedric and Ginny.

"Hermione where have you been we've been looking for you everywhere?" Ginny says with a worried look.

"Just needed some peace and quiet is all." None of them say anything.

"Ok bye now." I say and start to walk away when Ginny gently grabs my arm.

"Mione tell us what is going on with you." Harry says and Cedric looks down at the floor.

"What do you mean I'm fine." I say trying to convince myself them when really I don't believe it myself.

"Mione, Cedric told us about what happened yesterday with the Slytherins." I look at him and he avoids my eyes.

"Really. You just had to tell them didn't you Diggory." I ask slightly angry that he would tell them.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like they had the right to know."

"Yeah well I thought I could trust you not to tell them but clearly I was wrong." I walk away and head to the Gryffindor common room. I rush up to the girls dormitories and head straight for the bathroom. I lock the door and turn to look in the mirror and see that I have tears in my eyes. I open my make up bag and grab my lighter. I can't get what Pansy, Astoria and Daphne said out of my head which causes me to break down into sobs. My chest aches and I look at myself in the mirror again. I lift my shirt so that it's just revealing my stomach. I feel so ashamed and decide to try skip lunch and any other meals for the rest the week just to see if it changes anything.

I grab my lighter and light it. I roll up my jumper sleeve and put the flame on my right wrist. I gasp at the sudden amount of pain but it soon confides. When I feel as though I've had enough I un-light the lighter and put it back in my make up bag. I fix my hair and make up and with one last look in the mirror I walk to Care for Magical Creatures.

I stay away from Harry, Ron and Cedric. I can feel all their eyes staring at me but I decide to shake it off. Hagrid comes out from his hut and tells us to go into the forest. When we are in the woods Hagrid introduces a hippogriff. The whole class just stare at it in fear.

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