Chapter 6 - Charms and Potions

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Hermione P.O.V

I walked into the charms classroom with Harry and Ron on either side of me. Professor Flitwick notices us standing and tells us to take a seat.

"We are just waiting for the others to arrive."

Everyone starts murmuring to each other. About a minute or so a group of Hufflepuffs walk in and my eyes lock with a pair of steel grey orbs. I smile slightly to myself.

"What are they doing here?" I hear Ron ask Harry sounding irritated.

"I'm guessing they're the other students Professor Flitwick was on about."

Professor Flitwick notices the group of students standing by the door.

"Oh come in, come in and take your seats."

The group od students hesitate and then walk towards their seats. Cedric comes and sits next to me with two people who I'm guessing to be his friends.

"Hello Miss Granger."

"Hello Mister Diggory."

"Ok class settle down." Everyone finishes their conversations and look at Professor Flitwick. "So in case none of you guessed we are going to be mixing the different year groups from 4th year and above. So for most of your lessons you 4th Year Gryffindors will be with 7th year Hufflepuffs and it's the same with the other houses. Now let's start."

I turn to look at Cedric to see him smile at me before opening his book and start reading. I turn back to my book and do the same. Ron keeps sighing next to me and by the look of it Harry seems to be ignoring him. He let out a loud sigh and I turn to him slightly irritated.

"What's up with you?" I whisper.

"What do you mean?" He whispers back.

"You keep sighing really loud and in case you haven't noticed it's annoying people around you." I whisper.

"Well sorry." He rolls his eyes and I turn my attention back to my book and read. I take notes for the rest of the lesson.

I pick up my book, parchment and my quill. I am the first to leave the classroom and head straight to potions. I sit in the furthest corner from the front. Everyone walks in and so does a group of Slytherin along Ravenclaw.

Cedric meets my eye almost instantly and approaches me and sits in the seat next to me.

"Hey is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything is great why?" I watch Pansy and her group of friends.

"Well you were the first one out of the door in charms. You didn't even talk to anyone before you left."

I turn to meet his gaze.

"Oh um I just felt like getting potions over and done with. You know?" 

Professor Snape walks in and everyone falls silent. I turn and look around the classroom when I spot Pansy and her friends sat at the table next to us. She's pointing a finger at me and whispers something before they all giggle quietly. I suddenly feel really insecure. Tears are ready to pour from my eyes but I hold them back and listen to Professor Snape.

"Today we will be learning about the strongest love potion in the world called Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what this potion does?"

Everyone stays silent. Ron turns and looks at me.

"Aren't you supposed to know. You know with being the brightest witch of our age and all." He whispers.

Cedric and Harry must have heard him because they both shoot a glare at him.

"I do know what the potion does, I just don't want to answer." I whisper back irritated.

He scoffs quietly.

"Since when do you not want to answer." He whispers slightly louder.

"Mister Weasley would you like to share anything with the class?" Professor Snape asks with one of his brows raised.

"No sir." Ron mumbles before he slumps back in his seat.

"And before we were interrupted the love potion does not create real love, just a very powerful obsession."

I meet Harry's and Cedric's eyes. They both send me sad smiles. I weakly smile back and start taking notes hoping that the lesson will be over quick. 

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