Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


*Mature Content*

"What's in the bag you brought?" I asked Wayne a couple of minutes after we stopped kissing.

He looked down at his twiddling thumbs. "I got you some things." He said shyly.

Wayne sat up and picked it up and placed the plastic bag in my lap. I crossed my legs and opened it.

"They're just presents to help you feel better." He scratched the back of his neck.

"It's like Christmas!" I beamed.

I reached in blindly. The first item was a large chocolate muffin. I twisted my lips into a smile and looked over at him to see he was doing the same thing.

"Are we even now?"

"Never." I joked. "If you eat a crumb of this, I will-"

"What? Punish me? That's my job."

I gulped and sighed. "Thank you."

I pulled out a bottle of Coca-Cola. It was a little warm.

"Was this in your car?" I asked him.

Wayne looked down. "Yeah."

"Oh." I snickered. It's probably been in there for weeks.

"I was in a rush to get here!" He defended.

"Why didn't you get some when you stopped for the muffin?"

"I didn't stop." He leaned back against my wall. "I always have some at my house now."

"Why would you-" When I realized why, I blushed a deep pink. "Thank you."

I pulled out a box of tampons.

"I had those in my bathroom. You know just in case."

I gave him a tight lipped smile and set the tampons and bag to the side.

"Wait, there is one more thing on there." Wayne pointed out with a smug smirk. Uh oh.

I slowly took the bag back and pulled out the last item. You've got to be shitting me.

"Wayne Anderson!" I widened my eyes at him.


"Condoms? Really?"

He shrugged. "I wanted to be here however you needed me."

I lifted my chin. "I was running out anyway, so thank you. We can use those later."

"Why not now?"

I opened my mouth to protest, but came up empty of rebuttals. We are home alone, I thought. And it's the best destresser in the world.

I smiled and leaped over to Wayne, kissing him again.

I put a hand on the wall behind his head and straddled his thigh. I moved my desperate hips against his jeans. Wayne held my legs with a gentle grip.

"You know that outfit?" He said between kisses.

"I have the skirt in my drawer." I rubbed my hands over his chest.

"No. The one you were going to wear today."

I sat back on my heels and lowered my head. I got off of him and picked up the clothes from the floor. Before I could give them to Wayne, he spoke up.

"Put it on for me."

I swallowed, but turned around. I faced my mirror, but avoided his eyes. I pulled the clothes on and finally looked at myself. Everything was coming back slowly.

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