Bonus ig)?

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"I'm home!" A blue-haired detective announced as he set foot in his house and closed the door behind him, putting the keys on the table after having locked it.

"Dad!" A little girl yelled as she ran towards Shuichi, hugging his torso. Her pink hair, which was usually up in two high pigtails, was wet and untidy.

"Hey Kotoko," Shuichi patted the kid's head, giving her an eye-closed smile. However, once he got a good look at his daughter's face, that happy expression vanished and in its place appeared a concerned one. "What's wrong sweetie?" He asked, kneeling in front of Kotoko as he placed a warm hand on her cheek, caressing it.

"Dad kicked auntie Miu out of the house! And he called her very bad things!" The girl said between hiccups and sniffles, wiping her nose every three words.

"I did not!" An angry voice yelled back from the kitchen.

"Yes you did!"

"Well yes I did but I had my reasons!"

Shuichi chuckled and stood back up. He grabbed Kotoko's hand as he walked to where his partner was.

It took all his will power to suppress the laugh that threatened to escape his throat as a purple-haired male came into view. His violet locks were all sticky with a yellow substance and water ran down his face. His eyes shone with feigned anger, albeit his soul-crushing glare forced Kotoko to take a step back. He then tore his gaze from the little girl and fixed it on Shuichi, who was struggling to breathe properly.

"One giggle and you're a dead man." Kokichi threatened, eyes narrowing, as he raised an accusing finger to point at his husband, whose golden orbs were now glistening as they welled up with tears; with every second that went by, it became harder not to laugh.

"What-" Shuichi started, clearing his throat. He had failed to keep a straight face, so now his lips were curved up in a mocking smile, "What happened Kichi?"

"I don't know," Kokichi answered sarcastically, throwing his arms up in the air, as to show the whole mess the kitchen had become. "What do you think happened? Take a wild guess."

Shuichi took a look around. Eggs. Everywhere. A burnt pancake laid on a broken pan. One of their many pots that were placed on one of the wooden counters had fallen to the floor and broken into at least ten pieces.

"A hurricane?" Shuichi said, laughing at his own unfunny joke. Kokichi stared at him with an unimpressed face, both his eyebrows raised.

"A hurricane would have been much better." He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That blonde bitch had the greatest idea ever-"

"She's not a bitch!" Kotoko shouted, taking a step forward. She shivered and immediately regretted it once Kokichi's threatening eyes locked with hers. She let out a whimper and went back to her hiding spot: behind Shuichi, who now seemed to be struggling greatly to breathe as his choked laughs took the air away from his lungs.

"The bitch" Kokichi continued, "Decided to throw eggs at our neighbors' roof. And do you know who our neighbors are?"

"Maki and Kaito?"

"Exactly. And are you aware of what that means?"

"That Maki will come in a few seconds, break our door, again, and our bones too in the process?"

"Exactly! We're dead meat once she finds out."

"Is auntie Maki going to kill us...?" Kotoko gasped, tears flooding her pink eyes.

"Nah, she will spare you, but not me." Kokichi said, placing a hand on his hip. He ran his other hand through his hair and stared at it for a few seconds. He mouthed a ‹ew› and wiped the yellow substance off his hand with his trousers.

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