•Chapter 9: Welcome, Saihara-chan•

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Shuichi let out a long sigh, that was close, way too close. Kaede was smarter than he thought she was, that would be a big problem for the detective.

He shrugged and got inside his house. His mind went blank as he just stared onto space.

"Embarrassing stuff, huh?" A mischievous voice behind him said.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" the tall boy yelled, throwing the first thing he saw to the figure standing in front of him, which happened to be the panta bottle.

"OW! What was that for?!" The individual groaned, holding their forehead.

"Wait, Ouma? Oh my god, I'm sorry!" Shuichi apologised, approaching the supreme leader. "A-are you hurt?"

"Nah, I'm okay-" the small liar stopped dead, when the other's hands removed his own away from his injured zone. The detective's eyes widened.

"You're bleeding Ouma!"

Kokichi stared at the other's concerned expression and then looked down at their hands. A small blush tinted his cheeks.

"God, you are being dramatic Saihara-chan, I'm not gonna bleed out because of a stupid little wound,"

"W-well, at least let me put a sticking plaster on it." He said as he dragged the small liar to the kitchen, where he had medical supplies.

"Aww, Saihara-chan cares about me~"

"Oh, shut it..." He let go off the leader's hand and got on his tiptoes in order to open a cupboard. He then took out a box full of Band-Aids, a cotton and some alcohol and turned around to look at the small male. He got down so they were face to face.

Kokichi flinched when he felt the cotton make contact with his skin. He stared at Shuichi's golden eyes, who seemed to be lost in thought. The detective was suddenly brought back to reality and stared back at the other, who smirked. The tall male broke the eye contact and shifted his gaze to the side, murmuring something the criminal couldn't hear.

"Ok...so, there we go," the tall male said as he placed the adhesive bandage on the other's wound. He turned around and put everything back in its place.

"Thanks Saihara-chan~"

"No problem..." He closed the cupboard and turned to look at Kokichi. They stared at each other for some seconds before the supreme leader spoke up.

"Anyway, what the heck did you throw at me?"

The detective stayed silent and turned around, walking toward the main room. The purple haired male looked at him curious in what he was doing. Shuichi kneeled down and grabbed the thing he threw at the criminal. He hid it behind his back and walked toward the boy.

"What's that behind your back?" The small liar tried peeking but failed. The tall boy smiled, which turned into a confused look once he saw Kokichi sniffing the air.

"Do I smell..." He gasped, "grape Panta?!"

"How?!" The golden eyed male questioned in disbelief. "How can you smell something while it's inside the can?!"

"So it is grape panta!" Saihara sighed, as he revealed said object.

"Yeah...it is..." He watched as the other happily grabbed it, who was hopping with excitement. Shuichi didn't realize he was smiling, seeing Kokichi happy made him happy as well.

The criminal was about to start drinking it, but stopped.

"I-is something wrong?" The navy haired individual asked fearfully. The other looked up at him.

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