•Chapter 5: Begone thot!•

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Both of the boys were laying on the sidewalk, surrounded by empty Panta bottles. They were wet and purple from head to toe. People just walked past them, but not without staring at them strangely; some of them even hesitated to call the ambulance or the police. A group of weird girls just took some photos with their phones and then continued walking.

Shuichi sighed and sat up, he felt so gross. He looked down at Kokichi, who was just staring at the dark sky, angry at the detective for wasting all his panta.

"Ouma, come on, get up." the blue haired male said, pulling on the handcuffs.

"No." the other replied in a childish tone. The taller individual growled.

"I will drag you all the way there if you don't." he threatened.

"You don't even know the way idiot."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Yes." the small boy said, smiling. The detective looked to the side.

"I'll drag you anyways."

"Go ahead." Kokichi said carelessly. Shuichi stood up and started walking, taking the supreme leader with him as well due to the handcuffs. The navy haired male widened his eyes a bit, Ouma was surprisingly light. Not that he cared about his health or anything...

They continued like that for twenty minutes, until the detective got fed up.

"If you stand up, I'll buy you twenty more bottles of panta." He offered, stopping on his tracks. The curled haired boy sat up instantly.

"Go on..." He said.

"And if you lead us to the person who can solve this problem, it will be thirty." he continued, knowing how much he will regret this later.

"Deal!" Kokichi accepted, standing up and stretching a bit. Shuichi sighed with relief, happy that he wouldn't have to drag the other anymore.

"Well then, lead the way."


They had finally arrived to their destination, it looked like an old and worn out place. The door was a big, metallic gate and it had the word 'slut' painted on it as a graffiti. Kokichi couldn't help but giggle when he saw his old masterpiece.

"You wrote that?" Shuichi wondered when he heard the short male giggling.

"Yeah. Amazing, right?" The supreme leader said proudly. The detective just rolled his eyes as a response. "Hey! You'll agree with that graffiti once you get to know her!"

"Hm? And why's that?"

"Well, I was gonna warn you about this. Let's say she is... a living thot."

"A living thot? That's a bit rude, Ouma."

"Rude? Pfff this is nothing Mr. Detective. Let me tell you one thing: watch out your words around her." Kokichi warned. "One mistake and you are fucked up.... literally." Shuichi gulped and nodded. After that, Kokichi knocked on the gate.

"Who the fuck is it?!" A feminine voice answered from inside.

"Hey bitchlet, it's me!" After the supreme leader said that, the gate slowly started going up, leaving the entrance open. Inside was a blonde girl with blue eyes and messy light blonde hair, who was wearing a pink shirt and skirt, which looked similar to a school uniform; and black, finger-less gloves.

"Yo cockitchi! Finally came to visit the gorgeous girl?" She said.

'Cockitchi? I guess Ouma wasn't wrong at all...' Shuichi thought, listening to the others' conversation awkwardly.

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