•Chapter 15: Stealing information•

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Almost a month had already passed since their little problem with the assassin.

When Shuichi made his appearance once again, he was bombarded with questions. Kaede hugged him tightly as she cried, while Kaito happily patted his back.

He was also interrogated by the boss, who was trying to pry the truth out of him, no success at all, but they believed what their trustful detective told them.

Kokichi and D.I.C.E moved into an underground place just in time. The police had technically broken the ex-secret place's door down, just to find everything empty and not a single trail of the criminal.

Full of rage, they aborted the mission and went back to discuss their next move. Shuichi noticed how they were trying to avoid inviting him to the meetings, they didn't trust him as much as before anymore, at least until Maki's testimony was proofed wrong, thing that the detective knew wouldn't happen.

This was bad, this meant he would never get his needed information about his parents' murderer.

Shuichi was now sitting on his couch, reading a book. It was all quiet until a knock was heard. The boy closed his book, remembering the number of the page he was in, headed towards the door and opened it. The big figure standing in front of him made him flinch, but he quickly recomposed.

"A-ah! Boss! W-what brings you here?"

"We are holding a party today." He said bluntly, holding out a envelope.

"O-oh, may I ask why?" Saihara asked, grabbing the invitation.

"Today's the tenth anniversary of our company, or police station or however you would like to call it."

"Ah! That's right, how could I forget?" He mumbled ashamed.

"It's okay, no need to worry." The man said, "Well, see you there."

The detective waved as the brunet turned around and walked away. He closed the door and leaned against it, staring at the envelope he was holding.

Suddenly, an idea creeped into his brain, he wanted to get rid of it, but he couldn't. It wasn't such a bad idea after all.

He walked back to the couch and sat down on it, grabbing a sheet of paper and a pencil, ready to make a plan.

If they weren't going to give him the information he craved for, he would steal it, and he knew the perfect person who could help him.


Shuichi fast walked down the street, taking some turns here and there before finally reaching his location. He sat down on the grown and knocked a special melody on a manhole. He looked around to see if someone was passing by as the metal cover slid to the side, revealing a metallic ladder that went deep down into the darkness.

The boy held onto the ladder as he climbed down, watching as the cover closed above him, leaving the place in complete darkness.

He ignored the fact that he was about to piss himself with fear and continued his way down.

He let out a sigh of relief when he saw light shining under him. After thirty seconds, he finally reached the end, hopping off the ladder and landing on a nice, red carpet.

"Heeey Shumai~ You never told me you were coming!" The short leader greeted, Shuichi smiled at the fact that the other was wearing the cape and hat he gave him for his birthday.

"Heh...I didn't know I was coming either," he said. Kokichi the titled his head in confusion, but shrugged it off. The golden eyed male looked around. "Hey, this place is actually very nice, I like the atmosphere."

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