•Chapter 11: Assassin•

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Shuichi entered his house, closing the door behind him. It was silent, really silent, and the detective didn't like it at all. He was getting use to having an annoying little brat next to him, who fake cried every five minutes. Now, being alone bothered him quite a bit.

He lowered his sight to the photo he was holding, the one he had taken some hours ago with Kokichi and his organization.

The supreme leader and the golden eyed male himself were at the front and the other members were around, doing different poses, most of them were kinda weird but funny at the same time. The girl with two pigtails was covering the lower part of her nose with a paperboard moustache.

Shuichi's attention shifted towards Kokichi, who was doing finger guns at the camera, smiling brightly. He then looked at himself, feeling out of place. While everyone was wearing their usual white clothes he was wearing black. It was kind of ironic. Dark colours usually represented the evil and bad stuff while white was used as a symbol to represent good things. But that photo seemed the complete different, criminals wearing white while the detective was wearing black.

The tall male was so lost in thought that he didn't notice his cellphone ringing. He quickly left the picture in his table and took out his mobile, sliding the green button up to answer the call.


"Hey Shu, I wanted to tell you that in two hours we are going to have a meeting in the police station. The boss came up with a new plan to capture Ouma." A feminine voice said.

Shuichi froze at those words. Capture Kokichi? That single sentence brought him back into reality. He had to capture Kokichi, that was his objective this whole time. He glanced at the photo that was laying on the table, he couldn't do it, he wasn't able to do it, but he had to do it.

"Capture Ko- Ouma? B-but..." He could hear his friend sigh from the other side of the phone.

"I told you that you shouldn't get attached to him. He's a liar, a manipulative person. You agreed that if we ever had the chance to catch him you would cooperate. Plus, keep in mind the true reason why you are doing this."

That's when it hit him. A year ago, the police promised to give him secret information about his parents' murder if he caught the supreme leader. What was the point on being a detective if he didn't find the one who killed his family? That was his goal this whole time, he didn't give a shit about other crimes, he just wanted to find the person that ended with his mother's and father's life, and if that meant giving away his ‘new friend’ then he would do it. Or that's what he thought.

"Shuichi? Are you there?" Kaede called out, concern could be heard in her voice.

"Huh? Y-yeah, yeah, you're right. I... I'll be there in an hour."

"Right. Don't rush though, remember that the meeting starts in two hours, so take the time you want. See you there!"

And with that, the girl ended the call.

The detective placed his phone on the table, his whole body was trembling. He glanced at the photo once again, his eyes filling with tears. What was he going to do? What choice should he make? Should he arrest Kokichi? Should he ask him for help?

‘He's a liar, a manipulative person.’

Those words his friend said brought him more questions. Was the criminal using him to his advantage? To make sure he had the smart detective on his side?

Shuichi didn't realize he was crying until he felt the usual salty, watery taste in his lips. He wiped the tears away with his sleeve, but more of them were forming in his eyes and threatening to fall.

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