•Chapter 17: Truth or lie?•

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He was harshly shoved in the car. He forced the tears to disappear, this was the worst moment out of all to show weakness. He may have been caught, but he wouldn't show any sadness or embarrassment, instead, a smug grin adorned his face.

‘Here goes nothing...’ he thought, giving one last glance at the outside before turning to look at the policeman next to him.

"Hmm, do you have any handcuffs kink?"

"What?" The muscular, intimidating male asked, his brown eyes giving him a sharp glare.

"Ya know, since you are the one who put these things on me..." Kokichi raised his wrists, his grin widening. The cop stared at him disgusted.

"Aw~ Don't look at me like that." He pouted. "You hurt my poor feelings."

"Stop messing around Ouma, do you realize the situation you are in right now?"

"Of course I do! I'm not that stupid. By the way, what's your name~?" He winked.

"Why should I tell a criminal like you?" The man spatted out.

"Oh, so you don't like me?" The supreme leader looked up at him with puppy, teary eyes. "I thought something was building up between us."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

The short boy smirked, proud of finally being able to annoy one of the cops.

"Nishishi~ You sure a someone entertaining to mess with!"

The brown eyed police growled, his pale face red with anger.

"You are lucky I don't have permission to punch you."

"Oh~? I see, you have a boss? You follow someone's rules? Laaaame. You don't have the right to be in the same car as me, a supreme leader."

"That's enough!" He grabbed him by the collar and raised his fist, ready to punch him.


Kokichi grinned, hiding the small feeling of fear that grew in his chest.

"Dude, calm down." The police who was driving the car said. "The boss said we can't hurt him in any way unless he tries to escape."

"But he is fucking annoying." The brown eyed man growled, lowering his fist. A wave of relief ran through the liar's body.

"That's what he wants. He wants to get on your nerves, and you are just satisfying his desires. Just pretend you don't care and he'll get bored."

"Aw maaan, you toootally figured me out. Boooring~!" He whined, and laid his body against the car door, looking outside the window. The glint of mischief that swam in his eyes disappearing almost immediately. All he could do was wait, and pray that the others weren't found.

The others...how will they find out about this? Will they see it on TV? Will they know it was Shuichi's fault?

He began worrying. If they found out it was the detective's fault, what would they do to him? The first rule of D.I.C.E was not to kill, but, after this, will they be able to respect that rule?

Kokichi mentally slapped himself, of course they would. They were part of his organization, and his organization sticked to the rules. They would never break them and he was proud of that. But...how would they live from now on? They would have to forget about him and get a new leader and move forward...maybe Charlie would be the best option.

He mentally slapped himself once again, they obviously won't give up that easily, they will make a plan and try to free him, even if that meant getting caught and arrested. It was all so hopeless...

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