A/N + Fun facts

1.5K 86 88

⚠️The beginning is just me being emotional, skip to the end if you wanna read the facts⚠️

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So, we reached the end of the story.

I had a whole damn script prepared in my head and now and don't know what to write lmao

I guess I should start by thanking you. I really didn't think this would be noticed.

I began writing the story just for fun, just because a dumb idea came to my head and I felt the urge to write it. Even if it didn't get any reads, I planned to finish it either way, but surprisingly, it got reads, votes and comments, and you don't know how glad and happy I am for that.

I used to read other's stories/fanfictions and wonder how it felt to receive all those funny comments.

I never really thought I could even write something in another language, even if I am experienced in English, I thought it would be too hard to do a proper narration, but you all made this possible.

You can't imagine how happy I was when I saw the first chapter had 5 freaking reads. Yes, 5 is a very small number, yet it made my day.

Pfft, and when I got my first vote? I almost died.

And my first comment? I died.

As I published chapters, more and more people began reading the story, and the reads started increasing quite fast. I was amazed, I worked hard to make a proper narration, I didn't even take this as a joke anymore, I put all my effort so I could make a proper story that you could all enjoy.

And now, it has +1,56k reads, 100 votes and aprox 70 comments.

I love reading your nice comments, they really kept me going forward and give the best of me.

Thank you to the people who stayed with this story until the very end, and those who didn't, thank you either way for considering reading it. Thank you to those ppl who commented, voted or put the story in any of your lecture lists for at least once. All these people:
















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