•Chapter 4: Handcuffs•

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Shuichi froze. His mind had gone completely blank. That question got him off guard and he wasn't ready. His lips slightly parted and started trembling; his already pale face getting even paler and his eyes were wide in shock.

"W..what do you mean?" he asked, a nervous laugh escaping his mouth.

"I could tell you were lying." the girl crossed her arms.

"Am I that obvious?" the detective sighed.

"Aha! So you admit it huh?"


"I..um.." the boy looked to his sides, trying to avoid eye contact.


"Okay yeah fine! I lied..."

"Why though?" Her serious expression turned into a worried one. "You haven't lied for a long time."

"I guess I'll have to explain."

And that's what he did, he told Kaede the whole story, without lies. The girl was totally silent, analysing everything the detective had just told her.

"Please, don't tell anyone. Ouma is not as bad as you think." Shuichi said, looking at her in the eyes.

"I...don't know..." the blonde girl looked down.

"Kaede.... please..." he begged. She just stared at the table, poker-faced. She then looked back up, but something was off. The brightness in her eyes was gone and was replaced by a serious glare.

"What if... what if what you say is not true?" Kaede spoke up, insecureness taking over her.

"What do you mean?" The detective titled his head a bit.

"I mean... What if you and Ouma become friends and then he betrays you? Or you discover something you didn't want to know, discover the truth?"

The truth. Everytime someone said that, Shuichi couldn't help but tremble a bit, he didn't like that word at all. He lightly shook his head, trying to focus on what his friend was saying. What did she mean by that? She is probably just saying things that could happen, right? Just possibilities. Or that's what the boy wanted to believe, but he just couldn't ignore the fact that the way Kaede talked seemed way too real, as if it was bound to happen soon.

"Shuichi?" The blonde girl called, dragging him out of his thoughts. "What do you say? Will you accept it?"

"I..." the blue haired male hesitated.

"If you don't, then I will tell." She threatened.

"I... Fine. Yes. I will accept the truth..." Shuichi gave in. Kaede just gave him a sweet but sad smile, getting ready to leave.

"I'm glad to know that." was the last thing the girl said as she approached the door. But then stopped "I won't tell anyone but... if we ever have the chance, we will arrest him." She spun the knob and walked away.

The detective just sat there, gaze locked to the wall for what felt like forever. Not knowing what he was doing, he walked out of his house too through the already open door but then stood still. He thought wisely about the decision he was about to make. He then turned around and got inside the house once more, grabbed a pair of handcuffs and walked toward the street again.

He got out of his uncle's house, knowing exactly where he was going. The moon was up in the dark, starry sky, illuminating the city with its bright light. Shuichi headed towards the amusement park, determined to find the supreme leader's hiding place. He had a plan and he was not going to let his feelings get the best of him again.

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