•Chapter 13: Golden eyes•

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Two days. Two complete days had passed since the leader had woken up. That meant the detective was now unconscious for four full days. His lips and skin were getting extremely pale and dry, that was no good.

They even tried to put water in his mouth in a desperate attempt of hydrating Shuichi to see is something happened, but, as expected, it wasn't swallowed.

Kokichi was loosing hope. If the navy haired boy didn't wake up that very same day, they would have to take him to the hospital.

The liar obviously didn't want that, not only could it bring trouble to himself, but to the detective as well. You don't have to be so smart to connect things and realize that the person who the assassin had mentioned when she was about to kill the short male was Saihara. It was a risk that no one was willing to take.

But, of course, the unconscious individual wasn't Kokichi's only concern. He was growing suspicious about the fact that the police hadn't attacked them yet, they had to know their hiding place by now.

He was getting lost in his thoughts when his organization bursted through the door.

"Boss! You have to see this. Quick!" Shiro yelled, signaling him to stand up and follow them. The leader looked at him with half lidded eyes.

"Yeah, sure, cuz I can run faster than Flash with this wounds."

Some of them let out an akward chuckle as Thomas walked over to him and kneeled down, his back facing the small boy. Ouma climbed on the red haired male and was lifted off the ground.

Kokichi looked at everyone's expression and got nervous.

"What's wrong guys? Is it that bad?" He questioned.

"See it for yourself." Aiko replied, adjusting her pigtails.

The supreme leader tried to convince himself that it wasn't something he should worry about. That confidence didn't last too long though since, once they arrived to the living room, what was being shown on the small television they stole one month ago, made his soul leave his body. He was sat on the couch in front of the TV.

There was a photo of Shuichi as the journalist explained that he went missing, but that wasn't the worst of all. They mentioned that the main suspect was none other than himself, Kokichi Ouma and a photo of him was being shown next to the detective's one. The thing that really concerned the liar was that his face was being exposed. Until now, people knew about his existence but didn't know what he looked like, that's why he could walk around freely without being called out. But now? What was he going to do? Whoever saw him would immediately call the police.

As the man on the other side of the TV continued talking, Kokichi realized that maybe that was the reason they didn't attack their "secret place". They thought he had the detective trapped somewhere and was using him as a hostage. It was obvious none of them even imagined that a friendship was going on between the two of them.

The short boy's vision was getting blurry as he stopped concentrating on the TV and started getting lost in his thoughts, thinking of escape routes, how would they take Shuichi to the hospital if he didn't wake up, an excuse to make up if he did wake up that explains the reason of his disappearance.

He was brought back into reality when he heard the journalist say that a body had been discovered. His organization gasped when they showed an old photo of Kyo. Kokichi's blood boiled, anger consuming him as he listened closely to what they were saying.

‘A body was discovered in a dark alley, because of the clothes this young boy was wearing we can tell it was a member of the famous organization, D.I.C.E or there's a possibility that he was a poor hostage, who was brutally murdered by Ouma, since a purple hair was found in the crime scene. If he wasn't a hostage, could it be that this so called 'supreme leader' gets rid of his own organization mem-’ Before the man could finish, the screen turned black. Everyone turned to look at the violette eyed male, who was now putting down the control remote. His face features contorting in rage. And once he could it hold it anymore he glared at the TV and...

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