"You Cant"

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"You can't"I said firmly.

The other cops stood beside me Almost,It seamed to support me.

"Come and see."One of the cops said.

The other cop walked in and,stared at Avery's Mom and Toy Chica.

"Holy crap" he said as he picked up the radio.


One by One the animatronics were brought in and set by the wall.They sat there motionless.
"Why can't we scrap them?"One cop said.

"There demonic"Another cop said

"No they aren't".I said firmly.

"What do Ya mean kid?"Another cop said.

"Chica come here"I said.

Toy Chica walked up to me,The cops had there guns ready,Just in case.

"Jeremy,is Avery okay,You didn't let John get her,did you?"Toy Chica said franticly.

I herd a few gasps as she finished talking.

"Yes,shes okay.I said calmly.

"Oh my"One of the cops whispered.

"What are we going to do we can't scrap them"Another cop whispered.

"Call the parents of the missing children.They deserve to see what has happened."He said as a couple of cops left the room.Slowly one by one the parents arrived.

"Why are we here?"One asked in tears.

"Your here to see your children,As we all know there was an accident.".He said slowly.

"AN ACCIDENT?"One parent shouted.

"Yes,Your children had to suffer unimaginable pain."He said sadly.

"What do you mean see our children,There Dead."One mom shouted.

"No,There not.Their alive just not human."I butted in.

"Jeremy would know better than any of us,He was here the whole time."The cop replied as he motioned for me to go on.

"They were stuffed into the animatronics and somehow they control them now."I said praying that made sense.

"Impossible."One parent said.

"It's not,Brooklyn,please back me up "I said as she stepped in front of the crowd.

A few people gasped and,a couple started to cry.

"Where's Avery?"she said firmly.

"She's getting onto the ambulance as we speak".The officer said.

"I need to see her,NOW.Chica screamed as she picked me up.She began to sprint down the hallway with me helplessly slumping over her shoulder.

We reached the front door,That's when I saw the ambulance.It was driving away,We were to late.

Chica began to run towards the road.

"I CAN RUN TO YA KNOW!"I shouted trying to get her attention.

"Sorry."She said as she put me down.

We continued to sprint down the street.

"I don't know where the hospital is."She said as she slowed down.

I decided to try to get a taxi but the odds of one stopping for a giant robot duck were very slim.

"TAXI TAXI."I screamed desperately as I waved my hands.

I saw about 30 taxis drive by before one slowly came to a stop.

"Can I help you two?"The man said kindly.

"Yes,Take us to the nearest hospital asap."I replied.

We began to drive to the hospital.

"Can I ask you,why you stopped for us?"I asked.

"Cause,I used to work there,At a different location though."He replied.

"What's your name?"I asked out of curiosity.

"The names Mike.'Mike replied.

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet.When we got there I reached for my wallet.

"Uh oh,It's not there"I said franticly.

"Don't worry about it I understand,That place is crazy.".Mike said kindly.

"Thanks I owe ya one."

We walked to the lobby and sat down.I realized that we must look horrible.I looked down at my shirt,It was covered in blood stains and had lots of tears in it.Brooklyn looked down at her feet.I realized,I've gotten zero sleep in the last 4 days.

I began to close my eyes,slowly i fell asleep.I woke up to the janitor hitting me with a mop.

"HEY!WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"I yelled starteled.

"Chill bruh,Were about to close.You and your Duck need to get out of here."The man said as he contiued to hit me with the mop.

I shook Brooklyn awake,and we walked outside.We had nowhere to go for the night.

"WAIT"A voice called.

"Avery needs you,Shes not doing to well."The voice said.

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