No hope.

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"Jeremy,are you okay?"I asked desprately.

He moaned.I saw he had a cut across his arm.I ripped off a pice of my T-Shirt and wraped it around the cut.His arms were now purple to,my white t-shirt was stained with purple blood.

"What happened?"Jeremy said as he sat up slowly.

"Woah Avery,Your all purple even your hair."He said as he rubbed my head.

"Well,Your not much different yourself."I said.

All of a suden there was banging at the door.Jeremy got up and stood in front of me.Vincent opened the door.

"Awww thats so sweet,You think you can protect her."He laughed.

He walked up to Jeremy and pushed him aside.Jeremy yelped as he fell to the floor.

"Good old grape girl is helpless as usual."He smirked.

"What do you want with me?"I said firmly.

"Isn't it obvious,You two know to much."He laughed.

"So why haven't you killed us yet?"I asked.

"We like to torture,Maybe even ransom."He laughed.

Jeremy sat up and glared at Vincent.

"Oh,Almost forgot!Put these on.".He handed me one and Jeremy one.

Mine was a purple dress shirt and black pants.Jeremy's looked identical.

"Why do we need these?"I asked.

"Well,We couldn't let you be seen in that,"He said as he pointed to my bloody T~Shirt.

As he walked out of the room he flicked the lights off.I got up and felt my way to a corner.I then put on the uniform and sat back down.I began to cry I couldn't help it.

Jeremy sat down besides me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright,I have a plan were gonna get outa here"Jeremy said as he helped me up.

"How,The door is locked and there's probably a guard.

"Can I see your hair clip?"Jeremy asked.

"Uh,Okay"I said as I took the hairpin out and handed it to him.

He jiggled it in the lock.The door slowly creaked open.

"You did it!"I whispered.

We began to walk up the stairs.When we got to the top I almost screamed.We were at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria.

"Jeremy"I said as I pointed to my watch.

I turned on the LED so he could see.It read 1:28

Please tell me that clocks wrong."He said sadly.

"No,it really is 1:28"I said as I stepped closer to Jeremy.

"We need to get to the office,now"Jeremy said as he grabbed my arm.

We began to sprint down the hallway,We were almost there when a long foot tripped me.

"AGH"I screamed as I fell to the floor.

Jeremy landed with a thud beside me.

"You didn't think it was that easy did you"The man asked.

"GET AWAY FROM HER."Jeremy screamed.

"Oh whats that Mr.Fitzgerald." Vincent said as he started walking towards Jeremy.

"I said LEAVE HER ALONE."Jeremy screamed to Vincent.

Vincent slowly put his hand on Jeremy.

"HEY,LET GO OF...."Jeremy stopped suddenly.

His eyes began to glow white,He slowly stood up and walked to Vincent.

"Jeremy NO!"I screamed.

"Grab her"Vincent commanded

Jeremy walked up to me and grabbed my arm.Vincent grabbed my other arm as they began to drag me.

"You poor helpless little grape girl,No friends,No sanity,No hope"He laughed.

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