Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (1)

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"Y/N are you even listening to me?" My mom asked me snapping me out of my daze

"Yeah, sorry I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night." I responded before taking another bite of cereal

"What did I just say then?" She asked

"I can't talk with my mouth full, it's rude." I didn't know what she just said

She sighed, "I said if you want me to take you to the bookstore in Sunnyvale we need to leave in about an hour so I can make it back to work in time."

"Alright, I'll be ready then." I said getting up putting my bowl in the sink

"Remind me why you need to go to the one in Sunnyvale again?"

"It has a bigger selection, I have a specific book in mind but it would be nice to browse a bit." I explained

I went up to my room to get ready, I looked over at my half-packed suitcase beside my bed. Tomorrow I was going to Camp Nightwing. I really liked camp, this is going to be my last year as a camper and I was excited to live it up. My cousin Tommy is a counselor at camp and he told me that there's a lot in store for this year. I really need to finish packing.

After I finished getting ready my mom knocked at my door.

"You ready?" She asked me as she peeked her head in

"Yup-" I began to walk out as I noticed her looking at my suitcase "I'll finish packing when I get home."

"You better, and bring pepper spray this time, please. You know how I feel about those Sunnyvale boys." 

"They're a bunch of entitled pricks?" I responded

"Watch your mouth, but yes."

We headed out to the car and my mom drove me to the Sunnyvale bookstore. I only had about ten minutes to find what I was looking for before we needed to head back. I walked in and headed over to the horror section. I looked for about two minutes before hearing someone approach me.

"Need any help?" A male voice asked

I looked to my side to see Nick Goode standing beside me.

"I didn't know Nick Goode worked at his local bookstore." I said sarcastically

"He doesn't." He replied "I've just been here one too many times, I can probably help you find what you're looking for." 

"Well in that case, I'm looking for Salem's Lot." I said

"That's my favorite, it should be.... ah here." He said grabbing a book and handing it to me

"Perfect, thank you." I said as I flipped through it quickly 

"You go to Camp Nightwing, right? I recognize you but I don't think we've officially met." He said

"Yeah I do, I'm Y/N" I stuck out my hand and he shook it "I never would've guessed that the future king of Sunnyvale was a horror fanatic." I remarked sarcastically

"Surprise." He said with a smirk "I didn't know you were a Sunnyvaler." 

"Oh, I'm not, I just came here for your book selection."

"Ah, are you going to camp this year?" He said changing topics 

"Yeah, last year as a camper so." I said and as I looked back at him and he seemed to have a very slight hint of disappointment on his face "Are you going?" 

"Yeah, first year as counselor so." He smiled

"Well I guess I'll see you there, Counselor Goode." I said as I walked over to pay for the book

"Hey, do you just want to borrow my copy at camp? Save you a few bucks and-"

"Yeah, I need to save money because I live in Shadyside right?" I said pretending to be offended

"No! No, sorry that's not what I meant-"

"I'm just messing with you, I might take you up on that actually."

"Yeah? Alright well come find me at camp I'll bring it for you." 

"Will do, see you then." I said as I put the book back and walked out to my mom's car.

"No book?" My mom said as I returned empty handed

"I'm actually gonna borrow it from a friend at camp, we ran into each other inside."

"Better not be a Sunnyvale boy you know how I feel about them."


She laughed and we drove back to Shadyside.

As we got back home my mom dropped me off and she headed to work. I walked up to my room and tried to finish packing and not get distracted. I was nearly finished packing when I heard the phone in my room ring. I walked over to it and answered.

"Hello?" I greeted 

"Hey Y/N it's Tommy I was just calling to make sure you were still bringing that oatmeal raisin cookie recipe." Tommy loved oatmeal raisin cookies and last year I made him a batch at camp and he practically got on his hands and knees begging for me to bring the recipe this year.

"Hey Tommy, yeah I already put it in my bag don't worry. I was planning on bring you and Cindy a premade batch... assuming she's coming...?"

"Yup she'll be there, and so will Ziggy which I know that's why you asked. You better be serious about that batch though." Ziggy is my favorite person at camp. We never really see each other at school so camp is our favorite time to hang out.

"I'm serious, I was about to get baking now. I'll see you tomorrow Tommy."

"Alrighty then, see ya Y/N"

I placed the phone down and hung up. I threw in a few more things (including pepper spray per my mother's request) and walked downstairs to start baking those damn cookies. 

Hi so I've been dying to make a Nick Goode fanfic for a while so here it is. The ending of this story is going to be different than the movie but I think it'll be fun to write and hopefully read as well so I hope you enjoy the story. Also if you're currently reading my other fanfic I will still be updating that regularly :)  

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