For Shadyside (8)

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I pick up the name tag and realize that its just a corner of the sticker so I couldn't see the name. 

"Hey, Y/N! Think you could give me a hand over here?" Alice yelled 

"Yeah.. Sorry." I put the corner into my pocket and went back to help Alice. 

As I approached her I bent down beside her

"Didn't the counselors have to wear name tags on the first day?" I asked

"Yeah? What does that have to do with anything?"

I pulled the name tag piece from my pocket

"I found this in there. Was it yours or anyone else's who came down here earlier?" I asked handing it to her

"Arnie and I never wore ours. I think Tommy sweat his off during the whole zoning out period. It's probably Cindy's. Look we need to get out of this cave can we talk about this later?" 

"Uh yeah, you're right. Uh here." I help her up

She leaned on me as we walked and eventually we reached the spot I came from. Alice crawled through first.

"Hey snitch!" Alice said to Cindy.

"What took you so long?" Cindy asked Alice as she climbed out

"Well, this one decided to go exploring before helping the girl who couldn't walk." She said gesturing to me as I got out as well. 

Cindy hugged Alice

"I'm glad you're okay." She said

"Hey, careful this things like a million years old." Alice said gesturing to the bag she had on.

"I bought that a month ago." Cindy said slightly offended

"No, I'm not talking about your stupid bag, genius. "Blood will fall." Satan's stone, okay? It was right there. All this time, buried under the moss and I found it. I fucking found it." She announced

"Found what?" Cindy asked her

"Three guesses." Alice responded

Alice hopped over to the front of the mess hall and placed the bag down carefully. She slid a cloth out from inside of it and when she unraveled the cloth a skeleton hand was revealed.

"Holy shit, is that-" I began to ask

"Sarah Fier's lost hand? Yeah." Alice answered

"Nurse Lane... she spent her entire life looking for this." Cindy said

"Without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm. The curse will last until body and hand unite. This led us to the hand bone. And if the legend is true, that means her body's still buried-" Alice was explaining

"Under the Hanging Tree." Ziggy finished

"We can end this. No more murders, no more curse, no more... pain." Cindy said as she looked at Tommy and then to me "We can save Shadyside.. tonight."

I grabbed the hand to look at it more closely. "Let's end this then." I said before I felt my nose bleeding. I don't usually get nose bleeds. I watched as a few drops of blood dripped on the hand. Suddenly I was seeing something, like a vision, I saw the cave and the wall, I saw a book, and then I saw Sarah Fier.

"Y/N?" Ziggy asked grabbing my hand and snapping my out of it

I looked up and saw the three of them staring at me.

"I got a nose bleed and some of my blood got on the hand- I think I saw her. I saw Sarah Fier." I said

"What do you mean you saw Sarah Fier?" Cindy asked me

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