Don't be a stranger (2)

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After successfully baking a batch of cookies for Tommy I threw them into a container and put them on my counter for me to grab before leaving tomorrow. After a little while it was time for me to go to bed. I set out what I was going to wear to camp and then went to sleep. The next morning my mom knocked on my door to wake me up.

"You're gonna be late, get a move on Y/N."

"I'm up." I said back to her before sitting up and allowing my eyes to adjust.

I stood up and changed into the clothes I had set out the night before and grabbed my bag before heading downstairs.

"You make these last night?" My mom asked referring to the cookie container

"Oh, yeah, Tommy called and requested a batch." I said as I started to make some toast.

"Will you tell Tommy I say hi? I haven't seen him in a while. Plus, we need to be on good terms so he can call me and tell me all about the trouble you get into at camp."

"What if he's the one getting in trouble?"

"Tommy? Trouble? You hear yourself?" She laughed off my comment "He still dating that pretty girl, Cindy?"

"Yeah, her and Ziggy should be there when we arrive."

"Keep Ziggy out of trouble please. Her poor mother doesn't need more on her plate."

"I will." I said taking the last few bites of my breakfast.

I grabbed my bag and the cookie container and loaded everything into the car. Half an hour drive later and we arrive at Camp Nightwing. I say goodbye to my mom, grab my things, and walk towards the camp sign in. I noticed Cindy at the table next to a girl named Alice? If I'm remembering correctly and her boyfriend. Cindy seems to be the only one actually checking people in.

"Hey Y/N." Cindy said with a smile

"Hey Cindy, have you seen Tommy?" I asked as I signed in

"Right here. I'll take that." Tommy said coming up behind me and taking the cookie container I left on the table.

"All yours Tommy, here's the recipe as well. Thought I might give you everything before unpacking."

"I appreciate it Y/N, you know what cabin you're in?"

"Yup, I'm all set. Bye you two." I said goodbye to Cindy and Tommy and headed over to Cabin 5.

I noticed Ziggy had already came and unpacked so I put my stuff on the bed closest to hers and decided to go out and look for her. I walked around a bit looking for Ziggy before spotting a certain counselor in the distance. He seemed to have spotted me too because he started to approach me.

"Still wanting that book I'm guessing?" He asked me as he got close enough

"How'd you know?" I said sarcastically

"Lucky guess."

"I was gonna come find you, I was just looking for Ziggy first."

"Well, you can continue your search, but my cabin is right over there so I'll grab that book for you-"

As Nick was talking I spotted Ziggy running in the woods behind him.

"Shit." I said under my breath

"What?" He asked

"Found her. I'll be right back." I told Nick as I ran to follow Ziggy

As I almost caught up with her Nick's brother Will stopped Ziggy causing her to fall on her back. Hard.

Goode Or Evil? (A Nick Goode X reader story)Where stories live. Discover now