Carrie. Cool. (4)

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"Stay here." Nick said getting up and heading over towards Tommy.

Yeah, no I'm not staying here. I got up and followed close behind Nick. As we got there Nick ran inside to inspect the scene. Being future Chief of Police and all everyone let him handle the situation. As Nick ran inside I pulled Tommy aside.

"Tommy, what happened? Is that blood on your hand?" I asked

"Yeah, Nurse Lane got me pretty good."

"What? She attacked you?? Why-"

"I don't know. One minute I'm cleaning with Cindy and the next Nurse Lane comes up to me with a knife and tries to stab me." He said. He then lowered his voice to a whisper "Y/N she said that one way or another.. I'm gonna die tonight."

I looked at him with shock and confusion. Before I could ask him anything else about what happened sirens started blaring in the distance. Quickly EMTs showed up and took Nurse Lane away on a stretcher. The police took Tommy and Cindy aside for questioning. I looked behind me and saw Ziggy standing under a small tree watching the EMTs load Nurse Lane into an ambulance. I decided it would be best to give her some space right now.

"You okay?" Nick asked me as he walked up beside me

"What? Oh, yeah it's just a weird situation. I mean Nurse Lane...." I stopped as I watched Sheila approach Ziggy. They say something to her and she runs off passed us towards our cabin.

"Hurry, witch! Run!" Sheila yelled

I look at Nick and we give each other a knowing look. 

"Hey, Nicky." An officer says approaching us

"Officer Kapinski." Nick says greeting him

"I'm gonna go check on Ziggy." I say leaving Nick to talk with the officer. 

I run to our cabin to open the door and find Ziggy's area entirely graffitied with gross sentences and her bed was ruined.

"Holy shit. Those preppy assholes." I say as I examine the writing

"Watch out, I'm not the only one they're after anymore." She said gesturing over to my bed. 

It wasn't nearly as bad as Ziggy's but it did have a giant "FUCK YOU" written on the wall above it.

"Classic, straight to the point, can't be mad at that." I say sarcastically

"We need to get them back." Ziggy suggested

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I ask

"Let's Carrie Sheila."

"I hate to break it to you but I'm all out of pig's blood." I say

"We can use red paint from the arts and crafts center.." 

"Okay, I'm down. Let's go." 

"Now?" Ziggy asked

"Yeah now, why? You worried you'll miss a color war announcement?"

"Let's go." 

The two of us run to the Arts and Crafts center and start our search for red paint. I find some under a cabinet and we work on trying to get it open before we hear the door open.

"What are you two doing?" Cindy asked as she walked in

"Art project." Ziggy replied

"I need to talk to you." Cindy said

"I'm not in the mood." Ziggy spat back

"Earlier, you said Nurse Lane was upset."

"Oh, so now you care."

Goode Or Evil? (A Nick Goode X reader story)Where stories live. Discover now