I Can Explain. (11)

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I took a moment to fully take in what I was looking at. My thoughts were going a million miles an hour. This didn't mean anything, right? I mean it could be a coincidence. I fold the name tag and put it into my pocket. I put the clothes back in the bag and went downstairs. I knew I had to leave and figure this out. I walked passed the kitchen on the way out.

"Oh, Y/N are you staying for dinner?" Mrs. Goode asked me

"No, I'm sorry. I bet it would've been lovely but I'm feeling a little under the weather." I say before exiting the house.

I hear the door open and close again once I started to walk down the drive way.

"Y/N! Hey wait!" Nick yelled catching up to me "What's going on?" He asked

"I'm just not feeling that great. Might be my stiches, I don't know." 

He gave me a suspicious look.

"Well, let me drive you home at least." He said walking over to his car and opening the passenger door.

"No, that's alright. I was gonna walk to the bookstore anyways.. I can use their phone to call my mom."

"Okay, uh if you're sure. I'll see you later." He took a step towards me probably to kiss me goodbye but I took a step back

"Yeah, see you." I turned and walked towards the bookstore.

I felt his eyes on me as I left. I felt bad for how I left but until I know what's going on I need to keep some distance. If he knew about the curse why didn't he say anything? I reached the bookstore and used their phone to call my mom. She picked me up and asked why I didn't stay at Nick's. I told her I wanted to check out something at the bookstore. Not sure if she fully believed me but she didn't push. When we got home I ran to my room. I grabbed the corner piece of the name tag and placed Nick's name tag next to it. I couldn't unfold Nick's name tag. I was scared of what I would find. I was already sure that they matched but I didn't want to confirm it and have to face that Nick knew about the curse and didn't say anything. I slowly unfolded his name tag and put the two pieces together. They lined up perfectly. 

"Shit." I said out loud to myself.

I began to think about the situation. Did he stumble apon it accidentally? Did he know about it prior? Did he see Tommy's name on the rock wall? Is that why he acted so weird when I mentioned Tommy? I spent hours trying to think of how Nick was connected to this. Eventually I just decided to sleep on it. I was asleep for maybe an hour before the phone in my room began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered still half asleep

"I'm coming over." Said Nick over the phone

"Nick? What are you talking about? It's the middle of the night."

"I'll be there in 20." He said before he hung up

I changed from my pajamas to regular clothes. Why was Nick coming over in the middle of the night? Does he know that I know? I barely know what I know. Maybe this is a good thing? I crept downstairs and waited near the window by my front door. Eventually, Nick pulls up outside of my house. He exits his car and approaches the front door, he sees me in the window and gestures for me to come outside. I quietly open my door and step outside.

"What are you doing here, Nick?" I asked

"What's going on? You just left earlier."

"Well I just wasn't-"

"Don't lie to me." He asked in a direct tone

I tried to find the words to confront him about what I found but I just couldn't. He saw me thinking and gave me time to figure out what I was going to say. 

"I don't... uhm." I said

"Let's go." He said to me

"Go? Go where?" 

"The cave." He said somewhat hesitantly.

I agreed. I took a look back at my house and figured I would be able to make it back in time before my mother noticed I was gone. I got into the passenger seat of Nick's car and we drove towards camp. 

"You think you're going to find what you're looking for?" He asked breaking the silence

"I guess we'll see." I said looking at him

Despite me not knowing the whole truth I did know one thing for sure, I really liked Nick. I was going to confront him about the name tag but I was also going to hear him out. When we arrived at the camp Nick parked further away to avoid being spotted around a crime scene. Nick and I got out of the car and he grabbed a bag out of the trunk.

"What's that?" I asked

"Nothing much, just flashlights and stuff like that." He said as he closed the trunk

We passed the police tape and all of the memories and emotions came rushing back. I pushed those feelings down as much as I could but I couldn't help myself from stopping for a moment while passing the mess hall. Nick stopped as well and noticed my uncomfortable stance. He walked back and grabbed my hand.

"Come on. we're almost there." He said pulling me away from the building.

We made the walk through the woods and I wasn't positive on the way but Nick seemed to be. He didn't lead the way, but he definitely knew his way there. When we arrived I slowly walked down the stairs and through to the ritual room. There were bookshelves outside of the room and I skim the books looking for the one I saw in my vision of Sarah Fier. Nick stands inside of the room looking at the rock walls full of names. 

"You alright?" I ask taking a break from the bookshelf skimming

"Yeah, uh just taking it all in." He said shortly

I figured that now would be the best time to say something. If I didn't say it now I feared I never would. I took a deep breath before talking.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you about." I say

He turns towards me and looks me in the eyes

"What?" He asks. He realizes how anxious I am but doesn't say anything

"When I came down here with Alice I looked around the room...and I stepped on something." 

"Well what was it?"

"It was a corner of a name tag." The look of realization came across his face for a second before he tried to hide it

"When I was in your room, I found your name tag and it had a tear in the corner. The pieces lined up." I took another deep breath in and out

"I can explain." 

Goode Or Evil? (A Nick Goode X reader story)Where stories live. Discover now