The End (13)

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I flip through the pages until I reach a bookmarked page. It was a page containing ritual information and how to sacrifice to the devil. It explained that by preforming this ritual and making a sacrifice to the devil every decade you will be rewarded with power and good fortune. I finally put the pieces together in my head. Nick, Nick's father, Nick's grandfather, and so on sacrificed Shadysiders in order to better Sunnyvale and gain power there. That was the legacy Nick was talking about, that's why Nick felt so guilty about what happened at camp, it was all starting to make sense now and I wish it didn't. I heard Will starting to approach the stairs and I quickly put the book back in the bag and put the bag back where I found it. I rushed out of his room and just made it out far enough for him not to suspect anything.

"Tell Sheila there was nothing there." He said walking back into his room 

I turn towards Nick's room suddenly feeling heavier than before. I felt like this weight had just been put on my shoulders and I didn't know how to lift it. I open Nick's door and walk back into his room.

"Where's the water?" He asked

"Oh, uh I drank it down there." I said gesturing to the kitchen downstairs

"Ah, gotcha. did you bring Salem's Lot? We could read some together." He suggested

"Uh, no I didn't-"

"That's alright, I have some others that I think-"

"Nick, I think I need to go home. Can you drive me?" I asked him

His expression changed slightly. "Yeah, why are you not feeling well?"

"Something like that."

We went downstairs and got into his car. Neither of us said anything on the way. I looked out the window to avoid awkward glances. He knew something was up. Suddenly he misses a turn.

"You missed the turn there." I alerted

"No I didn't." He said with a straight face

"Nick, what's going on?"

No response.

"Nick?" I asked again

"It was stupid of me to think I could do this." He said

"What are you talking about? Nick where the hell are we going?"

I look at the turns he's taking and I don't recognize where we are. We're on some kind of back road. Nick turns into a wooded area and when we're deep enough in the woods and surrounded by trees he gets out.

"Come on." He said 

"Nick, I'm not getting out of the car. Just take me home." I said

"I can't. Not until we talk first." He said shutting his car door

I roll the window down

"Nick! I'm not going. Nick!" He kept walking a bit further into the woods until he stopped and waited for me. 

I looked for the keys but he took them as he got out. I slowly get out of the car.

"Y/N I don't bite!" He yelled

"No, but you sacrifice people to the devil so." I muttered under my breath

I hesitantly walked over to him.

"Nick, what's going on?" 

"You know."

"I don't know what you're-"

"Don't. How did you find out?"

"The bag in Will's room. Did you take the book from the cave?"

"Shit. I knew that was a stupid place to put it. Yes. I did."

Goode Or Evil? (A Nick Goode X reader story)Where stories live. Discover now