It's The Book. (12)

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"I'm all ears." I say to him

"Alright." He said "The night before camp, probably an hour after we met at the bookstore, I went up there to make sure everything was set up for the first day. When I did, I found the witch's house in the woods. Curious, I went to explore and found the rock walls with Tommy's name at the bottom and the symbol carved in the floor." He explained

"Why didn't you tell me? Or Tommy?" I asked

"I didn't know what it meant. I didn't want to scare either of you. Looking back on it I should've said something and I'm sorry that I didn't." He said

"I wish you would've told me." 

"Me too." We locked eyes  "I'm gonna keep looking for that book." he said as he turned to walk back to the bookcases outside of the ritual room.

All of that was bullshit. I could tell by the way he talked and looked at me, it was the same way he acted around everyone else at camp, it was his fake persona. I don't know why he was lying to me but I was going to figure out the truth. I walked over to the rock wall and looked at Tommy's name. The sad thing is, even if I do find out the truth no one is going to believe that Tommy was possessed. 

"I wish I could've done something." I whispered to his name in the rock

"Nothing over here. Ready to call it a night?" Nick said as he walked up behind me

I stood up and turned towards him

"Yeah, I'm ready." 

We walk back to Nick's car but before we arrive I notice his bag looks more full than it did before.

"Did you take something from the cave?" I ask him

"No? Why do you ask?" He asked with a smile

"Your bag looks heavier than it did before."

"Must be the way I put the flashlights back in. The positioning makes the bag look heavier." 


We get into his car once we arrive and we start our drive to Shadyside.

"When do you think we can hang out at yours again? I kind of owe your mom an apology." I say

"Whenever you want. And don't worry about my mom, I'll tell her your stitches opened back up or something and it freaked you out." He said

"How does tomorrow sound?"

"Just can't get enough of me huh?" He asked sarcastically 

"Consider it a do over for today."

"I think today went perfectly." He said grabbing my hand 

I could tell that he really does care about me, but if he really cared then why is he hiding something? Tomorrow I was going to find everything out. I think my first step is going to be figuring out what he put in that bag.

"Here we are." He said as we pulled up by my house

"Indeed we are." I said as I looked over and smiled at him

I may be cautious around him right now but I couldn't help how much I liked him. Every time we locked eyes or held hands it gave me butterflies. The way he looked at me made me nervous and excited. I truly want to be around him all the time. But now I needed to put those feelings aside as much as I can so I can find out what he's hiding.

He grabbed the side of my face and kissed me.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight." He said as he leaned his forehead against mine "How are you doing? I noticed walking through camp again was difficult for you."

"I'll be fine. It's just still so recent. I'll see you tomorrow Nick." I said as I pulled away and stepped out of the car

"Goodnight Y/N." He smiled 

I closed the car door and went inside. He left after I got inside and I went back upstairs into my room quietly. I got back into bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The next morning I woke up around 10 am and got up to make myself breakfast. My mom had a morning shift this morning so she wouldn't be back home for a few hours. I called Nick from my home phone and we decided on going to the park near his house for a while before going to his. He picked me up at around noon and I left a note on my door telling my mom where I was and when I'd be back. We drove to the park and hung out for a while there. We got a few looks from Sunnyvalers. I assumed it was because Nick was dating a Shadysider and that isn't what people would expect from a Goode. 

"Hey, don't worry about them." He assured me

"Does it not bother you?" I asked

"Not really, I sort of always have eyes on me. I mean especially now after my dad passing, people are always watching me and judging everything I do. But I don't care what people think when they see me with you. I think there's worse things I could do than date a Shadysider." He smiled "Although, that old lady is kind of giving me the creeps. You wanna go to mine?" He asked laughing a bit

I laughed too "Yeah." I agreed 

At Nick's I said hello to his mom and we went up to his room. I took some time while up there to look for the bag but it was no where to be found. Maybe he thought I would look for it? I tried to think of places he would hide it. I decided I would try Will's room. 

"I'm gonna get some water." I said before I left

I walked down the hall to Will's room and knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" Will said as he opened the door

"Uh Sheila wanted me to ask you if she left her bra in.. the living room." I said hoping he would believe it 

"Shit. She better not have. Mom would kill me." He said as he walked passed me and down the stairs.

I realized I had to go quickly if I was going to find the bag. I looked everywhere and just as I was about to give up I looked in his closet and low and behold a black bag fell from the shelf as I opened the closet door. I caught it before it hit the floor and unzipped it. I don't know what I was expecting to be in it but this was the worst case scenario.

"It's the book."

I'm sorry it took me longer than usual to put the next chapter out. I wrote this chapter out fully but then I deleted it all because I didn't like it. I think I made a good choice going with this version and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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