I Believe You. (10)

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Another day goes by of me just sitting in a hospital room. Friends from school visit but no Nick. Him and Ziggy are the only people I want to talk to right now but Ziggy's dead and I don't know where Nick is. This whole situation makes me wish it was tomorrow already so I can get out of this hospital and go see him.

"Hi Y/N." 

I looked up from my book to see Sheila standing in my hospital room.

"Sheila I'm really not in the mood-"

"I just came here to say I'm sorry about what happened. Ziggy and I didn't get along but that doesn't mean I'm happy she died." Sheila brought in a balloon that read 

"Get Well Soon!"

"Peace offering." She said before turning to leave

"Sheila wait."


"You knew Tommy, you know he'd never hurt anyone."

"I don't know Y/N. Wouldn't be the first time a Shadysider just snapped. No offense." She said

"Okay but-" I began to say

"Look Y/N, I really have to get going. I'm sorry." She said as she left 

I laid my head back against the wall behind me. Why does no one believe me? Sheila I get but my own mother, Tommy's aunt didn't either. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and reading. The next morning my mom brought me clothes and after changing and putting my things together I was able to go home. I was still extremely sore but I could walk around fine. As soon as I got home I got ready to go to Nick's. I went back downstairs after getting ready.

"Can you drive me to Nick Goode's house?" I asked my mom

"You really think it's a good idea to leave the house and walk around right now?" She asked

"I feel fine, really. I just really need to talk to him."

"...Fine. But you call me right away if something happens." She said standing up

"I will. I promise." I said

We got in the car and she drove me to Nick's. I started to get nervous as we pulled up to his house. Biggest house on the block, why am I not surprised. I get out of the car and walk up to his front door. I take a deep breath and wait few seconds before knocking. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I guess I'm worried he doesn't want to see me. After a few seconds I see the door knob move. The door opens and Nick and I make eye-contact.

He stares at me for a few moments unsure of what to say. 

"Y/N." He says

"Hi Nick." 

"Nicky who's at the door?" His mom yells from inside

"I'm sorry to turn up uninvited I can-"

"Y/N's here." He yelled back as he stood to the side "Come on in."

I walked inside and his mom came to say hello. Will even came into the room to say hi per his mother's request. I pulled Nick aside and asked him if we could talk in private. He brought me upstairs to his room. His room was bigger than mine. It was a bland room, grey walls and carpet, but his decorations made it interesting. He had a lot of posters on the walls from different bands and movies. He also had a bookcase with some books but also framed pictured and little knickknacks. 

"What did you wanna talk about?" He asked me 

"You know what I wanna talk about."

"I can't become chief of police talking about curses, Y/N." 

"Can you just... tell me if you believe me? I need someone to fucking believe me." I said taking a step towards him and looking him in the eyes

"Yeah, I believe you." He said holding eye-contact

I sighed out of relief. "You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that."

"...Y/N I'm so sorry." He said in a guilty tone

"Nothing that happened is your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for Nick." I said as I held his cheek

He looked into my eyes once again before leaning down and kissing me. He grabbed my waist before pulling away. 

"I'm glad you came to see me." He said

He let go of my waist and we just sat in his room listening to music, talking, and laughing for about an hour. I could feel myself slowly falling for him. 

"What's that bag over there?" I asked him as I gestured to a plastic bag in the corner of his room.

"Just my clothes from Nightwing. Uh, I was planning on throwing them out. Blood and white t-shirts don't really mix well."

"Oh. Speaking of Nightwing, I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"You think we could go back there? I need to go back to this cave."

"Cave?" He asked sitting up

"Yeah, Alice and Cindy found it with Tommy and Arnie. There was this... room. It had rock walls with the names of the Shadyside killers. Tommy's name was on there. And there was this marking on the floor. Nurse Lane had a drawing of it in a journal." I explained

"I dunno. They're planning on tearing Nightwing down." He said

"It wasn't in camp. It was in the woods."

"Why would you want to go back?" He asked

"Why would I not? I need... proof. Proof that Tommy isn't some psycho. I can't let Ziggy, Alice, Cindy, and all of the other Shadysiders die in vain. In my vision, there was a book. I think I might be able to find it down there." 

"You're gonna find a way there with or without me aren't you." He asked

"Yeah, but I really want you to go with me." I said as I grabbed his hand

He looked down at our hands and gave mine a small squeeze.

"Alright. I'll go." He agreed

"Nick!" His mom yelled from downstairs 

"Yeah?" He yelled back

"Come set the table for dinner!"

"I'll be right back." He said as he kissed me on the head and went downstairs.

I looked around his room a bit more and felt my eyes being drawn to the plastic bag of clothing in the corner. I walked over and opened the bag. I don't know why, but I just had a gut feeling that I needed to look through the bag. I pulled out the shirt and saw the large blood stain in the middle of the shirt. He was right blood and white t-shirts don't mix. I took his jeans out and flipped them upside to look at the hole that was made from Tommy's axe. Nick said the cut was an easy stitch but he would probably have a small limp for the rest of his life. When I flipped the jeans a crumpled piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and unraveled it I noticed it was a name tag.... 

With a tear in the corner.

Goode Or Evil? (A Nick Goode X reader story)Where stories live. Discover now