Beetles (5)

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I gave him a look of questioning.

"What about Ziggy? She'll be pissed if we just leave her here." I said

"We're just grabbing some supplies, we'll only be gone for.. ten minutes. We can leave her note." He said as he grabbed a post-it note and wrote on it.

"BE RIGHT BACK. GRABBING SUPPLIES. -Y/N" He then placed the note on the outside of the door.

"If Ziggy gets mad I'm gonna blame you." I said standing up

"That's fine." He said as he opened the door for me then followed me out.

We began walking over to the science and nature cabin. It was pretty dark now so I just began following Nick. 

"Hey, have you talked to Tommy recently?" I asked breaking the silence

"Uh, no not after the Nurse Lane incident, why?"

"I don't know he's just been acting weird. I mean he's been randomly zoning out a lot and-"

"Are you guys friends?" He interrupted

"He's my cousin, actually."

Nick almost stopped after hearing that. He looked back at me with an unreadable expression.

"I uh, I didn't know that.....I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

We finally reached the Science and Nature cabin. Nick unlocked the door and we walked in slowly to make sure there was no one inside. When we saw the coast was clear Nick grabbed a different bucket and led me over to the bugs. 

"Hope you're not afraid of beetles." He said opening a lid to reveal a shit ton of beetles.

Nick reached in and grabbed a handful of beetles and put them into the bucket. Then he looked at me and gestured to them. I took a deep breath before reaching in and grabbing a handful as well. We filled the bucket about half way before walking back. As we got back to my cabin we say Ziggy sitting on her bed.

"Oh, so you left me for a Goode?" She said

"No, Ziggy, he's helping. Look." I said bringing the bucket over to her.

"Shouldn't you be like.. turning us in or something?" Ziggy looked at Nick and said

"Well, I should be supervising Color War. But, I noticed Y/N was MIA so-"

"So you decided to stalk her?" Ziggy interrupted

"Check in on her." Nick corrected

Ziggy looked at him for a second. "The bugs are a good idea.. alright, he can help." 

"So how are we going to get Sheila into the bathroom?" I asked

"Hey Nick, aren't your brother and Sheila like... hooking up?"

"Ew, Ziggy." Nick said

"She's actually on to something..." I grab a post-it note and write

"MEET ME. BATHROOM. HURRY! -WILL" I then hand it to Nick

"Can you give this to a Sunnyvaler to give to Sheila?" I ask him

"I can do that." He affirms

"Okay, while you do that Ziggy and I can set up the bathroom with flowers and music to lure her into the stall." 

"Then, we'll leave a note telling her to look up and that's when we pull the rope that will be connected to the bucket and bam. She won't know what hit her." Ziggy said

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