Elaborate. (9)

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I'm almost at peace for a moment. The worry of the killers and the curse slip away. No more fear or pounding heartbeat. Just darkness. Just as fast as the worry leaves however, it comes flooding back in. My eyes open slowly at first then all at once as I regain consciousness. The taste of iron floods by mouth and I cough up blood. I gasp for air for a moment and let it fill my lungs. When I finally become aware of my surroundings again I look over at the person beside me who had grabbed my cheek.

"Nick?" I say as we lock eyes

"Yeah, yeah it's me." he says in a relieved tone

"Ziggy.... get Ziggy.." I say as the memories of what just happened come flooding back in

"Y/N, I'm gonna pick you up okay?" He says ignoring what I just said

"But-" I start

"EMTs are here. Okay? We're gonna get you over there first." He says as he begins to pick me up.

He carries me through the woods and over to the EMTs who roll out a stretcher for me. Nick lays me down on the stretcher carefully and they examine me for a moment. 

"Hey, what's your name? Look at me. What's your name?" One of them asks me

"Y/N." I respond

"Y/L/N. Y/N Y/L/N. That's her full name." Nick says 

"Nick, where's... where's Ziggy?" I look over at him and ask

He stands for a moment looking at me and saying nothing.

"Nick?" I say before I look behind him and see EMTs covering her and Cindy's bodies on stretchers.

"No." I whisper defeatedly

Nick walked up beside the stretched I was on and placed a hand on my head.

"It was her. I saw her. Sarah Fier... the curse... it's all real." I whisper to him 

He stands looking at me silent again. He had the same unreadable expression he had on his face when I told him about Tommy. 

"Nick?" I said

"Hey, we're gonna load you into the ambulance now alright?" One of the EMTs said to me

I didn't break eye-contact with Nick. I thought he was different. Why didn't he believe me? Why didn't he say anything? They loaded me into the ambulance and took me to the hospital. When I arrived they rushed me into a room. I was given something to keep me asleep while they stitched all of my deep wounds. They just bandaged the others. When I finally woke up I was in a hospital room and my mom was sitting anxiously in a chair next to my hospital bed.

"You're awake!" She said as she watched me open my eyes "How are you feeling?" She looked like she had been crying. I didn't blame her, I'd be crying too if I found out my nephew was the new Shadyside killer of the month.

"Tired." I said shortly

"I bet." She said back

"Mom, what happened at camp, it wasn't Tommy. I mean it was but... he was possessed by Sarah Fier-"

"Y/N. Don't start with that. You've been reading too much horror-"

"No! It's not the books... I saw her. We found her hand. I bled on it. Tommy wouldn't just go crazy like that."

"People do things we don't understand sometimes. No one knows why Tommy did it but we can't blame a dead witch for his actions."

"Yes we can, Mom please-"

"Enough Y/N."   

I looked up at the ceiling in defeat as tears filled my eyes. 

"You had a visitor while you were asleep." She said

Goode Or Evil? (A Nick Goode X reader story)Where stories live. Discover now