Name Tag Sticker (7)

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"That's not real Y/N." Nick said 

"Then you explain why Tommy is doing this. Because the Tommy I know apologizes if his high-five was too hard. I thought you were different than the other Sunnyvalers." I snapped

He sat and looked at me trying to think of something to say. Before he could reply the bell rang.

"They're getting on the bus. We have to go right now." Nick said grabbing my hand

"What? No. Cindy and Alice-" I began

"Please Y/N, I know I've let a lot of people die tonight-" He started to say as he held my cheek

"Nick, none of this is on you-"

"Not you. I'm not letting you die. Because, uh. Yeah, I do like the girl from Shadyside. And I was thinking that maybe once we get out of this, we could, uh, we could start a horror book club or something. You like to be scared so uh.. I dunno, Stephen King's new one is supposed to be good I hear."

"I take back what I said. I don't like to be scared. Fantasy only from now on, yeah?"

"Yeah, fantasy sounds uh.. sounds perfect. I've seen the selection."

" believe me right? This isn't Tommy, the curse is real." I said looking him in the eyes

"Yeah, of course. I am different."  He assured me "Now, come on. We gotta get out of here. As soon as we do we'll call the cops. Alice and Cindy will be alright. But first, we gotta get on that bus." Nick said as he grabbed my hand 

Before we could even stand up however we heard a banging at the door. Nick and I peered over the table to see what was there. Suddenly, a hand smashes through the window and reaches around to unlock the door. Once successful Nick pulls me back down behind the table. My heart started beating faster and faster as I heard the heavy breathing and footsteps walking further inside the building.

"Go." Nick whispered swiftly but softly as he gestured towards a table further up. I peer around the table and I see that Tommy is distracted by a snake. I take this opportunity to quietly run to the next table. Nick follows closely behind. We just make it as Tommy looks back and looks behind the table we were just behind. Tommy swings his axe breaking the glass of the snake enclosure. Lucky Ziggy wasn't here, she's terrified of snakes. I heard the snake grow closer to us and so did Tommy. I began to hold my breath and close my eyes hoping that would help my heart stop pounding. I felt something by my leg. This scared me and I instinctively grabbed Nick's knee. I opened my eyes to see the snake slithering over my leg. I wasn't afraid of snakes but I still didn't enjoy this experience. I took a few deep breaths as I looked over at Nick. He was watching the snake. As I looked at him I felt a large tug at my hair. Before I knew it Tommy had grabbed me over the table and threw me to the floor.

"Y/N!" Nick yelled

I hit the floor and as I looked up I saw Tommy preparing to swing his axe. I screamed and tried to move out of the way. Before I could move fully Nick pushed me out of the way and he got an axe in the back of his leg.

"Run." He said to me after yelling pain "Run!" He said again

Tommy ignored Nick and still had his sights set on me. I stood up and ran as fast as I could outside. I sprinted through the woods to the center of camp.

"ZIGGY! KURT! WILL! ANYONE PLEASE!" I yelled hoping I would be able to find someone

I heard the buses pull away as I approached. 

"HEY!" I yelled but it was no use. "shit." I said to myself

"Y/N?!" I heard a familiar voice call out

I turned to see Ziggy running towards me

"Ziggy?!" I ran up to her "Are you alright??"

"I'm fine. Where's Nick and Gary?" She asked me

"Well-" I began to explain but I heard footsteps approaching behind us.

I turned to see Tommy running at the two of us

"Shit! Run!" I yelled and we ran as fast as we could to the mess hall.

We ran inside and Ziggy closed the door behind us. We both searched for places to hide. Ziggy turned on the radio, probably to cover the noise we were making. Ziggy and I grabbed knifes from the kitchen and ran into the storage area. Through all the music we couldn't listen for footsteps. We only knew Tommy was here when he started banging on the door we were behind. Once he realized it was locked he started to chop the door down with the axe. Ziggy and I sunk further back into the storage area. When the hole in the door was big enough Tommy reached his hand in and unlocked the door. Before he opened it, Ziggy and I ran into the closet inside of the storage area. We could see through little gaps in the doors. I watched as Tommy looked around for a second. He walked into the area more and now had his back turned to us. Ziggy creeped out and gestured for me to stay put. With the music Ziggy was able to sneak up behind Tommy but before she got close enough the music stopped and the floorboard under her creaked. Ziggy screamed as she stabbed Tommy in the chest. I winced watching that. He hit Ziggy and sent her into a rack. She was able to get up and disarm him quickly, however he lifted her up by her neck and began to strangle her against the rack. I jumped out of the closet and stabbed him the back. I know I hesitated for a moment but I did it. He ended up elbowing me in the jaw causing me to lose my balance and move backwards a few steps. Ziggy grabbed a bag from the rack behind her and threw it over his head. I grabbed the bag from the back and began to pull it tightly. He fell to the floor as I kept pulling on the bag. He quickly jerked back and I fell backwards knocking into Ziggy as well. Tommy stood up and grabbed his axe. Ziggy and I got up quickly and ran back out towards the front of the mess hall. I was a bit in front of Ziggy. I heard her trip and I looked behind me to see her on the ground backing away from Tommy. Before I could step in or Tommy could swing, Cindy appeared behind him stabbing him in the back. He turned to face her and she hesitated for a moment

"Fuck... you." she yelled as she stabbed him again in the chest. She stabbed him a third time and I looked away as he fell to the floor.

"You swore." Ziggy said catching her breath

"It's becoming a habit." Cindy replied

The sisters hugged as I sat back to catch my breath and try to hold back tears. 

"You smell like shit." Ziggy said

"That's because I'm covered in it." Cindy replied

"Where's Alice?" I asked Cindy

"She's still down there. She's hurt so she told me to go without her."

"I'll go down and find her. You guys stay here." I said as Cindy pointed to where she crawled in from.

I crawled down and walked a bit before I found Alice back under the bathroom area.

"Hey, Alice." I said, we didn't know each other well but Tommy had mentioned her to me before

"Y/N, right?" She asked 

"Yeah. Can't walk?" I asked her as I noticed her sitting "Cindy mentioned you were hurt."

"Is Cindy alright?" She asked me

"She's fine.... we got Tommy." I said with a hint of grief in my tone. "What's back there?" I asked curiously

"There's a fucking ritual room. Right under the witch's house." She said

(Okay so technically in the movie the ritual room was blocked off at this point but this isn't the movie so pretend it isn't, thank you)

I walked back through the cave a bit before reaching a large room. This room had a giant symbol on the floor and large rock walls lined up. As I got closer to the rocks I noticed there were names carved into them. Starting with Cyrus Miller and progressing through all of the Shadyside killers, including the last one.

"Thomas Slater"

I stepped back a bit from shock and heard a small crinkling noise come from under my shoe. I moved my foot and picked up the thing that made the noise.

"A name tag sticker?"

Goode Or Evil? (A Nick Goode X reader story)Where stories live. Discover now