The Curse (6)

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Nick and I ran outside to see a group of people standing by the doorway of one of the cabins that was being used as the Shadyside "jail" for the Color War. I run over and push my way through the crowd to see what's going on. As I approach the front I look inside the cabin and see Jeremy, the camper who Tommy was talking to earlier, dead. I stand there shocked for a moment before hearing Nick behind me.

"We're done. Everyone get back. Hey, no. Color War's done. Alright?" He pushed the crowd away from the scene and told everyone to get to the Mess Hall. 

Ziggy approached me and pulled me away from the scene. 

"Hey, what happened?" She asked

"I don't.. I don't know. I just heard a scream and we ran out here."

"You two! Mess Hall, Now." A counselor yelled at us.

Ziggy and I ran to the Mess Hall with the other campers.

"Let's go! This is not part of the game! Go, guys! Go, go!" A counselor named Gary yelled while ringing a bell in front of the Mess Hall.

As we entered Nick was already inside counting the campers as they entered 

"Five.. seven, eight.. ten....fifteen.. eighteen..." After he counted Ziggy and I the lights went out and everyone started to yell and panic even more.

"Everyone stay calm! Everything's alright!" He yelled

I made my way up to where Nick was and he tried to use the phone

"It's dead." He said to Gary and I 

"We have to go warn people." I said as I walked towards the door

"I'm sure they heard the bell. Hey." He said stopping me

"Nick, my cousin is still out there." 

"Me and Gary will go." He said holding my shoulders 

"What?" Gary said in the back

"Just please stay here." Nick continued 

"Nick I'm not just going to sit here while-"

"I'm not letting you get hurt." He said loudly, this drew some attention to us "Okay? Please, let me do my job. I'm gonna find Tommy. Just stay here. Okay?" He said as he held my cheek

I just looked at him before he turned to leave.

"You." He pointed at Gary and gestured him to come on.

"Hey, you realize that's a camper, right?" Gary said before Nick explained their plan

"What if the killers still out there?" Gary asked

"That's the whole point Gary." Nick said as he walked out

"Hey! Everybody! Stay here. Okay?" Gary said before following Nick

"What the hell is going on? Have you seen Cindy?" Ziggy asked me

"Nick and Gary are going out to look for Cindy and Tommy now."

"What? No. I'm going with them." Ziggy said walking towards the door

I stopped her. "Ziggy, you're gonna get yourself killed. Just stay here, they'll find her." I assured her

"Hey! Where is she witch?" One of Sheila's minions asked Ziggy

"What'd you do with her huh? You kill her like you killed Jeremy?" The other one added

"What are you talking about??" Ziggy asked


"Where the fuck is Sheila?!"

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