Chapter 6

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WHEN Wanda got to the bar, she immediately ordered a bourbon

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WHEN Wanda got to the bar, she immediately ordered a bourbon.  She didn't really drink back in her reality, but the current situation was giving her a massive headache.  When the barman gave her the bourbon, she stood looking around the room while taking small sips of the powerful drink. She saw Rebekah chatting ideally with Matt, the latter looking like he was looking for a nearby exit, Stefan was now chatting to Damon about god knows what, Elena hadn't arrived yet, and Caroline and Bonnie were huddled in the corner.   In a brief moment of solitude, she thought about her home.  Did anyone notice she was gone? How much time had passed since she left, but the one question that was lingering in her mind was if anyone missed her.

"No"  She thought, trying to get rid of that one question that has been looming over her head since she first landed in Mystic Falls. "Anyone who could miss me is dead."

" Careful darling, if you grip that glass any tighter it'll shatter" Chimed an unwanted voice from behind her.  Wanda spun around quickly while trying not to get wrapped up in her dress.  She turned a came face to face with a male with brown hair and dark eyes.   Wanda smiled tightly at him, shaking herself from her internal battle. 

" Oh I guess I am holding it a bit too tight," Wanda said politely, while putting her glass back on the counter.

" You know owe me now," The stranger commented, causing Wanda to look at him in confusion. " For warning you about the glass," He clarifed " You could've died."

Wanda scoffed in disbelief, " Something tells me I would've surived." Before the stranger could respond, Damon came sauntering over to the pair.

" Witchy, I see you have been cozying up to psycho," Damon snarled directing his statement towards Kol. The latter had a neutral expression on his face as he replied.

" Remind me again, was it you or your brother that came to the ball with the doppelgänger?" Kol retorted.

" You're Kol Mikaelson," Wanda piped up while the men were death glaring at each other. She had remembered that the group had mentioned that the youngest Mikaelson was the wild one.

" And you're Wanda Maximoff," Kol said while grabbing her hand to lay a kiss on it. " Lovely to finally meet you."

" I wish I could say the same," Wanda replied, wrenching her hand from his tight grip. Damon let out a snort at the action, but it turned into a cough after he noticed Kol's terrifying expression. The former then took his leave, claiming to look for Elena, and told the witch to be careful.

" Well you've probably heard great things about me like how dashing I am—" Kol started, but was cut off by a laugh coming from Wanda.

" Yes, your enemies have told me nothing but good things," Wanda stated drily. " They said you're a psychopathic murderer with no regards to emotions."

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