Chapter 4

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MATT dropped onto the floor with a thud while Wanda stood next to him

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MATT dropped onto the floor with a thud while Wanda stood next to him. After being transported away from the grill, Matt's mind was still reeling about the new information about his friend. Once he got his bearings, Matt tried to put as much distance between him and the witch by making a run for it. He noticed he was in the middle of a forest and he had no sense of direction as he made a dash towards the tree line. Before he could get far, Wanda raised her arms and used her telekinesis to stop Matt with her hands glowing her signature red color.

" Let me go!" Matt shrieked, trying in vain to get away from her. Everything he already knew about her could've been a lie and he saw how his friends reacted when Bonnie came out of Wanda's mind. "You lied to me! I trusted you, I gave you a place to live, food to eat and this is how you repay me?" the blond boy quipped at her.

Wanda looked at him apologetically; she only knew him for about three weeks but he should her nothing but kindness since her arrival and he was right, lying to him when he was truthful to her was wrong.

" If I let you go, will you run?" Wanda asked him hesitantly. She was in no position to demand anything from him, but she still asked because she still had faith in their brief friendship. Matt licked his dry lips, he could say 'no' and when the moment came he could high tail out of there and alert the Salvatore brothers. But Matt didn't want to do that, he liked the friendship he had with the Maximoff girl.

" No, but you are going to tell me the truth. All of it" Matt demanded, he had to know if he could trust her again. He was certain that the ginger girl wouldn't hurt hum, but he couldn't be 100% sure. Wanda nodded, agreeing to his ultimatum and released him from her magic grip. She found a nearby log and took a seat, nodding her head to the space next to her as a gesture for Matt to sit. He did so cautiously and waited for her to begin her story.

" I'm not from here," Wanda began, looking down at her hands. Matt nodded in agreement, " I know you're not, you have a weird accent" the boy said obliviously. " First of all, its' not 'weird' it's just not American like you're used to," She quipped " And second, I meant from this world." Matt looked at her like she was crazy, and she probably was, but he didn't say it out-loud in fear of being on the wrong side of her magic.

Wanda sensed Matt just wanted a straight answer so she started by telling him about Pietro and the battle of Sokovia. " Wait, so after the battle, you and Pietro went to live with the Avengers?" The blonde confirmed. Wanda nodded her head at his statement. " And Ultron was the robot who you teamed up with to kill the... Avengers? and that was after you volunteered to be a subject for an anti-American, Nazi experiment" Matt said hesitatingly. He wondered if the girl sitting next to him was a national security threat.

" We didn't have these so called " Nazi's" in my reality, we had H.Y.D.R.A" She let out a long sigh, " I felt like I had to volunteer, I thought that Tony Stark, the leader of the Avengers, killed my parents because of bombs he supplied. I wanted revenge on him and the Avengers who only seemed to care about in-country danger." Sensing Matt understood, she continued and told him about Vision. She told him about the Civil War and how she and Pietro were on Steve's side and when they were on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D and finally, when Pietro and Vision both died in the battle against Thanos.

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