Chapter 10

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THE first thing Wanda noticed when she woke up was that she was in a different bed

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THE first thing Wanda noticed when she woke up was that she was in a different bed. Contrary to her blue sheets at the Donovan's house, the sheets she was laying on were more of a cream color. She was sure that this was not a room in Matt's house, as the room she was currently in was about the size of the Donovan's living room. As the realization that she was in a different house came, she immediately sat up, surveying the bedroom.  The room was empty and neat; like it was a spare bedroom.  Quietly getting up, she padded lightly across the room and opened the door. Voices drifted towards her from the end of the hallway, so she followed them until she reached a very familiar stairwell.

" What were you thinking, Kol about bringing her back here?" a familiar British voice came from below her position on the balcony.

" She just saved us, Nik the least we could do is allow her to recuperate on 100% silk bedsheets and not on that rubbish bed at the Donovan household." A voice called out in indignation.

" Kol is right Nik," Rebekah chimed in, tired of her brother's bickering. " At least let her stay for a bit."

" Fine, but she is your burden to look after," Klaus said before swiftly leaving the room. Deciding it was time for her to stop lurking, she walked down the stairwell and found herself in the kitchen with three Originals.

" Ms. Maximoff, how kind of you to finally join us," Elijah spoke in his monotonous tone. Wanda flushed red at the implication of her eavesdropping, but noticed that there were platters of food on the table. Looking curiously at it, Rebekah chimed in.

" We thought you might be hungry. We didn't know what you would like, so we got you everything we could find."

Wanda felt her heart swell at the fact that they went out of her way to feed her. Back in the Salvatore house when she stayed there before Matt took her in, they left her alone most of the time, and she had to fend for herself. However, she was still weary of the Originals. Days ago, they wanted to eliminate her, and now they are making sure she is okay after the showdown with Ester. It didn't make any sense to the young witch.

" Thank you," Wanda started, expressing her gratitude," But why am I here? How long have I been here? What happened to Ester and your brother? Did anything happen to Matt?--" Before Wanda could finish her ramble, Kol cut in.

" Please stop your rambling, I have a I-almost-died induced headache and this isn't making it better," He said, before plucking s strawberry from the fruit platter and eating him. Rebekah gave him a weird look for it.

" What? I like them." Kol stated matter-of-factly. "And to answer your questions, you are here because I brought you back after you collapsed in my arms and we, and by we, I mean me, decided that we would have the best facilities to overlook your care, you have been asleep for two days, Ester and Finn vanished, and we do not know where they are, and we would like your help finding them, and no your human is fine. Did I get them all?"

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