1. Todoroki's Background

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A/N : Hi guys, here's the first chapter! I hope you'll like it, and I can't wait for you to tell me what you thought about it :) Also, please use She/Her or They/Them while referring to me, I would really appreciate it!

[Todoroki's POV]

My name is Todoroki Shoto. I'm currently 14 years old and, in only a year, I'm to enter UA, as a spy for the League of Villains. Let me explain how I turned this way.

Everything started when I was 5 years old, during the worst day of my entire life. My mom had said she founded my left side disgusting and burnt my left eyes with boiled water. The pain was nothing compared to what had followed... My dad, Endeavor, had sent my mom in a mental health hospital and my eldest brother, Toya, started to fight him, saying it was all his fault. My dad had left him for dead, but I saw my brother walking away. He had seen me too, as he'd winked at me before leaving.

I then waited the next few days for him, expecting news or something. Finally, four days later, in the morning, I had found a small note on my room's floor. It went like this :

"Hi little brother!

I've just found the best place ever! If you want, you could join as well. But I'm warning you, you'll become a villain the minute you enter the group. I guess that won't be a problem, somehow, (wink) but I feel like I have to warn you at first. I want to kill Endeavor, as well as you I think, for what he did to our mom and to you. It was then the only way, to be honest, but it still is the best.

I hope you're interested and, if so, just meet me at [insert address] this afternoon at 2 pm.

I love you, brother.


And this was the best day of my life. He remembered that I had told him once that I don't want to become a hero! I was excited as hell! And that's the day I joined the LoV.

After that, I was out every night, training with Toya, now being called Dabi, while my dad was training me during the day. I got stronger day after day, which means I was closer of killing Endeavor.

The first thing the League wanted to really achieve was the killing of All Might, the number one hero. It wasn't my will, I really don't care much about it, but I had to follow if I wanted to kill my "dad".

Everything was fine, until that stupid, depressed (but cute tho) boy came in, few days ago. He's name's Midoriya, and he is supposed to enter UA with me. They started to train us both after they gave him a super strength quirk. Yes, because I forgot to mention it : that stupid was quirkless! He'll spent all his time in the hideout. Apparently, all his loved ones think him lost somewhere, or dead. He is supposed to go home one weeks before the exam entrance at UA, and explained he was taken by the League and given a quirk. The story says he managed to escape but can't remember where the hideout is. He will then ask to enter UA to become a hero and prevent others to be kidnapped like he was.

I'm not alone anymore, and it pisses me off so much that I'm starting to hate him openly. All the others like him, and leave me more alone than ever. Even, Dabi tried to convince me he wasn't that bad :

D - "Come on, give him at least a chance! He's nice!"

T - "I don't want to, I don't like his attitude. Why a guys as cute as him has to be this mean?"

D - "You're the one being mean to him, you know?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

T - "Right, I'm the bad guy now..."

D - "Hate to break it to you, but you're a villain."

T - "Shut up, bro." I said while rolling my eyes.

We're still close, but I hate the fact that he accepts that stupid Midoriya. I mean, what does he have that I haven't?

*One week before UA entrance exam*

Midoriya is stressed. Why the hell is he so stressed?!

D - "Let him be, Sho, he has a whole cover to take for the first time, he's scared to screw everything up."

T - "Why are you always defending him?"

He doesn't even care answering, and just leave my room in a sigh.

Moment later, Midoriya himself knock at the door.

T - "What do you want, stupid?"

I see him twitch, and then saying :

D - "Do you wanna know what I went through?"

A/N : Chapter 1 is finished. I've already written on paper the two following chapters, I really love them! I don't know if I'll post them today, it'll depend of my motivation, but I have to say I'm quite tired right now (oupss).

Well have a nice day/night, guys!

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One day after another - A Villain TodoDeku storyWhere stories live. Discover now