10. Todoroki's changes

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[Todoroki's POV]

What the HELL was that?! I wake up at the bar after hearing a scream in the property. Was that Deku? Why would he scream? Is he okay? What did they talk about, Toya and him? I just don't get it, and I want to know what's happening to him! But I can't just barge in his room, I'm supposed to hate him... He'll think I'm crazy.

M - "What the fuck do you want?"

Deku? I was zoning out, and when I come back to myself, I see that I'm at Deku's room entrance. SHIT! He might think I'm crazy now. I am way too drunk to have that conversation now. I can't stay, I need to leave.

T - "Shit, sorry. I was wondering why you screamed. But I know I'm not the one you would want here..." Since I'm pretty sure he loves Kaminari, let's just end all this here. "I'll go tell Kaminari to come." 

I'm about to close the door when he whispers a little 'wait'. I look up to see him, tears covering his face, shaking. He looks so vulnerable, I can't leave him like this. However I try a second time to tell him I'll go take Kaminari.

T - "I'll... I'll be back in no time, with Kaminari, he will... Yeah, he'll help you. You would be a cute couple..."

My heart hurts from those words, but I need to make sure he loves him.

M - "What the hell are you talking about? Me? Loving Kam? Where did you find that?" He laughs. Well at least he's not crying like before anymore.

I close the door and move a little closer to his bed.

T - "Can I... Uhm... sit here?" He nod and I sit at the end of the bed, while he stays against his cushions, his knees in his arms. "So, you're not in love with him? Why did you make him join, then?"

M - "I'm absolutely not in love with him, you crazy? He's just a friend, with a lot of potential for the League. I made him join because I knew he would want to. I really like him, but no more than like a friend." I sigh internally, because it's actually a good news. "Now, don't you mind telling why you came here?"

Is he deaf? I told him a minute ago... Oh well, he's just feeling too down to remember anything. And, let's add I'm still too drunk, meaning I can say whatever the hell I want, I won't remember tomorrow, right? And I'll just say I was drunk and didn't know what I was saying now. Let's be honest tonight and play the drunk card tomorrow.

T - "Told you I heard your scream, you wake me up. I ran to see if you were okay. I was a bit worried. Is it because of your conversation with my brother?"

With that, his eyes fill with tears again. Shit. I'm really not good at comforting others I guess.

M - "Why can't I STOP crying like a FUCKING BABY?!" He screams, and he starts screaming more and more, still crying, and I don't understand anything of what he's saying.

I find myself closer to him, trying to calm him down. Well, I'm really drunk, that's to say. 

T - "Oi, Dek... Midoriya. Calm down, shhhh... It's okay, just calm down. You can talk to me when you're calm. Just breath, calmly. Breath in. Breath out. Again. Yeah, like that, great job. Just calm down, and talk when you're ready to."

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?! I'm currently helping my crush to calm down, even though I've harassed him since he arrived here and he lets me help him as well. We just look like two friends, one helping the other through a break down. Ugh. 

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