4. Shoto's sexuality

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A/N : Ohayo! Here's a new chapter for you hehe! Didn't thought I might write two chapters the same day, actually.

[Todoroki's POV]

He what? Him? In love? With Shigaraki? I didn't even know he likes boys!

T - "Wow, I didn't expect that revelation... But, yeah, I think I might be. And it hurts to see them like that! I mean, I've always pushed Deku away from me, I hated him openly, all the time, I'm still doing it at school. You know I just can't be with him. He hates me as well now, though, it's just impossible that we end up together."

D -"Why couldn't you two be together? You can still change your attitude towards him, try to be kinder to him."

He doesn't understand. My sexuality makes it a problem. I am asexual, and I certainly don't want to have seggs with him. I just want us to cuddle on the couch, talking of our murders, reading books, watching animes, stuff like that. I want us to laugh while cooking late on the evening. I want us to spend all of our life running away from heroes, doing crimes and, if we get caught, I want us to end up in prison together. I want us to play videogames, doing sport or singing and dancing all night together. Is that too much to ask for? I know the whole world works around seggs, everyone consider it as a must-do in a romantic relationship. Well I'm not like that. I know as well that I'm not the only asexual in this world, but it's hard to find one...

D -"Maybe he's asexual too, or maybe he doesn't care about it. You never talked to him, how could you know?" I look at him, confused."You were thinking out loud, bro, sorry. But it's true, and you're wrong to think that way. Not everyone wants seggs in their relationship. It doesn't matter. You're still human, you can love and be loved."

T -"It doesn't matter, though. He's with Shigaraki, they both look happy. It just doesn't matter."

Dabi just sighs, then hugs me. I feel suddenly really bad for him.

T - "Gosh, I'm sorry, Toya. I'm talking of myself while you're suffering as well. Since when do you love Shigaraki? You never told me..."

D -"I've always been in love with him... I just couldn't tell him, I was sure he considered me as a brother, so I just helped him with his love interests ever since. Few days ago, he came to me, explaining he was in love with Midoriya, and couldn't bear being that far from him. He said he needed to tell him how he feels. He was just scared, so I've helped him getting more confident and now, here I am. Alone once more."

T -"Dabi, I'm sorry. It must have been so hard for you to live with that. You should have told me sooner, I would have been there for you."

D -"I know, but I didn't want you to get distracted from your mission because of me. Hopefully, you're distracted, but not entirely because of me."

We look at each other, then burst of laughing. What a pair we are. The two brothers who can't handle their feelings. We're both heartbroken, but at least we have each other, that's all I really want.

*Time skip, two weeks later, on a Monday*

I look at Midoriya in class, like I got use to do since I found out I had feelings for him. Being at the back is pretty great for it, since no one would notice me staring at him. I can't let Baku know about it, I still have to annoy Deku with him, because if he knew I loved him, he would give up on me, and I would be all alone here as well. I can't let that happened.


It can't be real. Midoriya can't be asleep in class! I can see his face from where I am, his left cheek on the table and... Is that tears? What the hell is that?

A - "Midoriya!"  Aizawa Sensei screams, making the young green haired boy to jump on his chair."Are you really sleeping right now?"

He looks angry, Midoriya is in a bad position right now. However, he manages to escape a detention or something by saying :

M - "Oh my God... I'm so sorry, Sensei... I don't sleep well these days, I think I might be sick or something? Would you agree if I ask to go back home now? To rest? I promise I'll feel better tomorrow..."

The teacher nods, saying he has to be back healthy tomorrow because, if not, he would get detention, and Midoriya runs out of the room. 

What the hell was that? First, he cries, then he lies to a teacher, third he leaves school. He's not sick, there's something wrong with him. I need to understand what happened.

I can't stop staring at the clock, waiting for the morning to end.

When, finally, the bells ring, I go up on the roof while everyone head off for the midday meal. I need to call my brother, I'm sure all of this has to do with Shigaraki.

T -"Bro! I have an important question! And I need an answer, quick!"

D -"Just ask."

Wow, he seems annoyed. Well, that wasn't a good timing I guess...

T -"I'm annoying you right now, I can hear it in you voice. I'll ask later."

I was about to hang up when he said hastily :

D -"No, wait. It's just that Shigaraki is feeling bad, and I was trying to help him."

T -"Well, it's about him actually..."

D -"What is it?"

I almost can see him frown.

T -"Deku isn't normal today, he fell asleep and cried  in class and asked to go back home, saying he wasn't feeling good. I saw him cried, for fucksake!"

D -"Calm down, I know why he cried, actually."

Uh? What the hell is going on? 

B -"Oi! Icyhot! What are you doing up here?"

Shit, no, not now, please. I panic, say that I gotta go to Dabi and close my phone. 

T -"I wanted peace to make a call, Baku. But you just interrupted it right now." I say in a bored tone.

B -"Sorry. Was it important?"

T -"In a way, yes. It was personal."

B -"Right. Well, wonder what gotten into Deku today. He didn't look sick, from my point of view."

He's not sick. He's heartbroken, I think. I don't say anything and just stare at the park around the school. 

B -"You mad?"

I shake my head and leave him there. I don't wanna talk to him. I need to leave. Might go see Recovery Girl and ask for a leaving pass, saying I don't feel great at all.

After arguing with her, and acting a lot, I get to leave. As soon as I am out, I take my phone back to call my brother, when I actually see him in a café near the school, alone. I enter and head to his table.

T -"You alone?"

D -"Yes. Was waiting for you to come. I knew you would try to leave the school, so I sat here, where you could see me. I was also here with Shigaraki, who just leaved a moment ago."

T -"Right. Mind tell me what's happening?"

D -"Well, let's say Shiggy isn't good at all in relationship, and a sick jealous boy. Go get a coffee or something, it'll be long, I think."

I head to the counter and ask for a dark coffee.

[Midoriya's POV]

I can't live like this anymore. I love Shiggy, but he's so possessive and jealous! I can't do anything without him getting either scared I might leave him for someone else or angry because I talked to someone else. It's not a sane relation anymore. I need to escape this. I know him enough to say he'll never change that part in him. I love him, but for my mental sanity, I need to break up.

[1289 words]

A/N : Okay, I'm taking Midoriya out of this relationship, I had to! Hope you liked the chapter! Have a nice day/night :)

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