2. Midoriya's story

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A/N : Hello guys! Here's chapter two! Enjoy! :)

[Midoriya's POV]

M - "Do you wanna know what I went through."

What do I even do here? This boy hates me like hell! Thanks Dabi, you won, I'll talk to him, but don't cry if he kills me instead.

T - "Why should I care?"

M - "Well maybe, then, you'll leave me at peace? I don't know, man, I'm just tryna be nice!"

I think I hate him more than I hate myself, that is to say! He rolls his eyes and nods as I start.

M - "Well, know that it isn't as bad as yours, but still, I suffered."

T - "Yeah, like you know my past, nerd."  He says, rolling his eyes, again.

Why did I even tried? He just wants to laugh at me. I turn around.

M - "I give up, you're just a mean and egoistic man who can't even listen for two minutes"

T - "Oi, sorry, I'll try my best..."

Did he just say "sorry" ?? Okay, he's not doing great. Well then, I decide to continue, pushing my back on the wall near the door, without looking at him.

M - "At school, I was bullied by that Bakugo boy who I had a crush on. Yes, I'm gay, no big surprise here, man. Well, he was constantly making fun of me for being quirkless, however I couldn't not love him. He wanted to be hero so much, he was passionate in all he loved... He's going to UA this year, and he's the reason why I'm so stressed right now. I changed, indeed, but still. He's even scarier than the Nomus!"

T - "You find them scary?"

He smirks. I glare at him and continue, without even answering. Why am I doing this? God help me!

M - "I've always thought I was a failure, not enough for my mom, and not smart enough to enter a great school. I have scars all over my arms and legs from suicide attempts. Let's say dying was to much to ask for me, I guess. Today, I still would prefer dying, but now I have something. I think I might be in love, people here are accepting me for who I am, I'm finally useful to someone. I can help the League, and that's all I need to keep myself alive. I don't know what I did to you for you to hate me like hell, and I guess that's why I'm here. See you at school."

With that, I just leave him there. I don't care what he has to say about this, I have to train a bit before leaving to my mom's.

-Two hours later-

It's time. Shigaraki leaves me in a forest near the city, in old torn off clothes, after hugging me, saying good luck. Of all the LoV members, he's my favourite, probably the one I love differently than the others, and the one I'm the closest to. One single tear falls down my cheek as I watch him disappear. I'm gonna miss him... I then head down the city, my legs and chest hurting. I had to come back hurt, if we wanted my story to be as much accurate as possible, and I asked Shiggy to do it, just because I knew it would hurt less, in a way.

It takes me one hour to arrive to my mom's flat. I knock at the door and wait. She opens and stares at me in shock. She's way skinnier than she was the last time I had seen her, and has bags under her eyes.

M - "Hi, mom" I say awkwardly, before passing out on the floor. Well THAT was unexpected, however I guess it's for the best.

-Around 5pm the same day-

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