6. In the hideout

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[Midoriya's POV]

Why does he have to follow me, fuck?! I just wanna cry, let me alone! We walk passed public toilet, I take my chance.

M - "Wait here a sec. Need to use the toilet."

T - "Can't you just wait until we arrive?"

He look a bit annoyed, but I don't care at all. No, I can't wait. That's what I reply, before entering the toilet. When I'm finally in the lavatory, I just sit on the floor, letting my tears falling down. I cry like a fucking baby but I don't care. I just think :

How could I love him?

Was it just physical?

Am I really that stupid to fall in love with a body?

I needed to end this relationship as soon as he started to get possessive!

I should have ended it before getting too attached!

I can't let myself fall in love anymore...

What I had said to him is true : I am now scared to fall in love with someone else. I feel like, somehow, they'll manage to hurt me as well, like he did. I almost screw up the mission because of him! 

What was I thinking?

I continue crying on the floor for God only knows how long, until a knock on the door made me jump.

T - "Nerd? You still in there?"

[Todoroki's POV]

*Few minutes before*

Midoriya still hasn't come out from the toilet, and it's been ten minutes. What the hell is he doing, in there? Is he dead? Well, hope not. If he doesn't come out in the next five minutes, I'll have to go and see if he's okay. I just hope I can manage to look worried about him without looking like I'm worried. 



That doesn't make any sense!!

Oh god, how is it possible that I have feelings for him? He's driving me crazy!

I decide to go check on him. Just by the door, I can hear silent sob. Is he... Crying? Wow, didn't expect that of him. He might have a soft side in him... It hurts me to hear him, but I can't show anything, I can't even act like I heard him...

T - "Nerd? You still in there?"

I hear a bang followed by a "Ouch". I made him jump. 

M -"What the hell do you want? Can't I use the toilet without being interrupted by an insolent guy like you?"

Guess he hates me still.

T - "You've been in there for almost fifteen minutes and we still need to make out to the hideout so that we can go home not to late for school tomorrow."

M -"Well, go home! Why did you come with me, anyway?"

I can't answer that question, honestly.

T - "Fine, I leave you here. See you."

Though I don't wanna leave, I turn around and go back to my house. I hope he's okay...

[Midoriya's POV]

I come out, realizing he really left me here. I shrug and make my way to the hideout. When I enter the place, I end up nose to nose with Toga.

T - "Deku-kun! What are you doing here so late?"

M - "I have informations."

I don't want to explain everything just to her. I tell her to get everyone in the living room, then grab a glass of who knows what on the counter. Probably alcohol. Few minutes later, everyone's here, except for Dabi and Shigaraki. Guess they're still out there, somewhere.

M - "Okay, I'll be quick. It's been a long day, I wanna sleep. There will be a summer camp during July for the second at UA. Meaning : Todoroki and I are going there, we're gonna send you the location the second we arrive, and you guys can do whatever the fuck you want. We won't know the address, for sure, before making there."

They all start to speak among themselves. I head back, only wanting to go home, when a hand grab my arm. Kurogiri.

K -"Wait boy. I wanted to talk to you. Was there something going on between Shigaraki and you?"

Well, that's straight to the point. I take the punch in my face and answer.

M - "Yes, but I ended it since Shigaraki still has to learn how to treat his boyfriend."

He nod and let go of me. 

Ten minutes later, I'm home. I run, so that, if my mom's still awake, she sees I've really been running. 

Panting, I open the door. Mom's here, asleep on the couch in front of the tv. I let her rest and go up in my room. 

Finally the end of the day... Can't wait for the summer camp, now.

But for now, I'll just have to wait, still acting like the kind but reserved kid who was kidnapped by some villains. The only person I really like is Kaminari. He's quirk is electricity, and he's quite powerful. With better training, he could become a wonderful villain! I'll try and get closer to him before the camp. Maybe I can rally him to us. I like him a lot, he's fun, loyal, and straight in his shoes. He knows what he wants.

Kaminari, will you be the next to join us, please?

[840 words]

A/N : Find this a bit short, but I'm kinda tired, and beginning this chapter, I never thought it would end this way. Well, I guess Kaminari will have a POV and an important role in here now :) Never mind, we'll see what my mind wants me to write next^^ Have a nice day/night!

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