11. Peaceful time at the camp.

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[Midoriya's POV]

*In the bus, for the summer camp*

Okay, let's get everything straight :

1) We arrive at destination.

2) I send the location to Kurogiri.

3) We wait for the League by acting as usual.

4) Once they arrive, we find Dabi and leave the place after revealing our true self to the others.

Well, easy enough, right?

I can't wait for the surprise they'll all get when we'll tell them who we really are! 

I am sitting next to Uraraka in the bus, and she just doesn't stop talking. I need to force myself not to slap her in the face and smile. 

I'm thinking about All Might's ending. After the camp, the heroes will try to get us three back with them. And this is when All for One will get to kill All Might! I know we won't be able to see it, Kurogiri will teleporte us away from the scene, but I know we'll see it on tv!

The bus stops and Aizawa tells us to go out. We are up a forest. What the hell?

A - "Let me introduce you to... the Pussycats."

Some girls with cats features appears in front of us, telling us we'll have to walk through the forest to arrive at the camp, fighting all the beast and things in there. Great. Everyone sighs but then jumps in when they tell us we need to be there for midday if we want to eat. I find Kaminari and we agree on acting like others and fight, saving and helping them all. 

We fight all day, and only arrive at the camp during the evening. While we're eating, I send the location to Kurogiri, who answers that they'll attack the third day. We then have to act tomorrow and the day after, that's not too hard. I send a text to Kaminari and Todoroki, then delete everything. Uraraka comes to me.

U - "Deku-kun! Who are you texting?"

She'll never leave alone, I swear.

M - "My mom. She's kinda worried, knowing me that far away. I'm just reassuring her."

U - "Ooh that's so sweet of you!"

She hugs me and leave to get back to Tsuyu.

I finish eating and ask Aizawa if I can go in the dorms. He tells me that I can also go to the warm springs to relax. The others would follow as well. I nod and leave there. It is indeed really relaxing.

The next to arrive is Todoroki, I smile at him, and he comes to sit next to me.

T - "Aren't you scared the others might see your scars?"

Yes, we become close, telling the others we made peace with each others, and I agreed to be honest with him about the cuts. He helps me every day, and I almost don't cut anymore.

M - "Don't worry, I have a waterproof scars makeup."

I show him my wrist, on which we can't see anything.

T - "Oh, that's great! So, before the others arrive... I wanted to tell you that I'm really glad we're friends now, and I am really sorry, again, for all you went through because of me..."


M - "I told you to stop with that! I'm okay, now. Stop it."

I close my eyes and start to relax in the water. He sighs and do the same. 

Few minutes later, I sense movements in the water and open an eye. Kaminari has just arrived.

K - "Hey, guys! The others are coming. You good?"

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