12. The attack, and after.

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A/N : Hi, just so you know, I'm writing this one after only four hours of sleep and a tea. I really don't know what will happen, and what my imagination will make me write. Hope it'll be good tho. Before anyone asks : Yes I shouldn't write now, but unfortunately, by mind isn't okay with that, my imagination is running way to much.

Also I am listening to the song above the chapter, and currently screaming in my room "I'm having sex with a ghost". Just a reminder that I'm asexual, now. ANYWAYS!! Back to the story. Enjoy!

[Todoroki's POV]

There's the signal! The smoke and the blue flames. We are finally leaving UA, we'll finally be known as villains! I am so fucking happy! I finally get to beat my father's ass!

M - "Oi, man, that's not the time to daydream right now! We need to go find some others to tell them about us, and I wanna be the one to tell them, so please will you let me do it?"

T - "Yeah, whatever the fuck you want, we're leaving, and that's all I really want right now!"

?? - "What do you mean, you're leaving? What's going on?"

Bakugo. Oh well, telling HIM will be fun, since he loves me. It will hurt him at the must, for sure!

M - "You know what, Shoto, I'll leave you with him, I'm going to find someone else, just don't waste to much time, we still need to be back at the meeting point as fast as possible!"

He leaves me there with a confuse Bakugo.

(Holy shit I've just come up with THE idea and laughing my eyes out internally! You guys aren't ready for what will follow...😂😭)

T - "Alright, I'll be quick, I don't have all day. I'm sorry, man, but I'm a fucking villain and I'm leaving you here. When you become a hero, I'll make sure to beat your ass."

I wink and turn around, when he suddenly grabs my arm, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

B - "Wait... Take me with you. I don't care if I'm a villain or a hero. I just wanna be with you. I don't know, I look soft and all right now, but it's because I... I..."

T - "You love me, I know. Unfortunately, I love someone else, Bakugo. But, since Midoriya made Kaminari join us, maybe I can take you in as well..."

B - "Kaminari?! The fuck?"

At the same time, a panting Kirishima arrives next to us.

K - "Guys! It's fucking crazy! There are villains everywhere, and Kaminari is a traitor, along with Midoriya! God, what is happening??"

I look at him and can't help but laugh, an evil smirk plastered on my face. This is way to fun. Okay, I'll try to have Bakugo with us, he has the perfect temper for a villain, but Kirishima? I swear if he asks to join, I'll die here.

T - "Looks like you just found the third traitor then. And maybe a fourth if, Bakugo, you're still willing to join?"

B - "Of course, now move Shitty hair!"

K - "Can I... Join?"

Okay, it's way too much, I can't take it anymore! I laugh so hard, with my villain laugh. Both watch me, a little smile forming on their lips. I calm down a bit.

T - "You guys can't be serious, right? ... Oh my fucking God, this is way to much for me! You seriously want to join the villains, even though you were some wannabe heroes like ten minutes ago? How can I even be sure you're not trying to infiltrate the League to betray us?"

One day after another - A Villain TodoDeku storyWhere stories live. Discover now