5. "We need to break up"

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[Midoriya's pov]

This is the only solution, for my own mental health. It will hurt for sure, but I'm also hurting in this relationship. This is for the best.

SMS Midoriya Shigaraki

Hey, we need to talk. Could we meet at the place where you and I confess?

Hey <3 Yes of course. Is there something I need to worry about? I don't like the "we need to talk"...

Idk. Meet me there at 9 pm.

Mmh... Okay...


Now I have four hours to get ready for what I have to say and how he will react. Shit, he's going to kill me. I should probably ask someone to come along with me, just in case he tries anything...


I take my phone again, and call him.

D - "Hi, Deku! What is it?"

M - "I need your help..."

D - "Explain."

M - "I'm going to break up with Shiggy. I love him, you know, but his attitude is unbearable, I can't stay with him, it's just a fucking toxic relationship..."

D - "Yeah, I see. Why do you need me?"

M - "I'll be where you and Todoroki found us, the day we got together. At 9pm tonight. I'm scared he might tried to kill me... or do something bad. I would like it if you could come, stay hidden, and keep an eye on him, just in case."

D - "Okay. I'll be there."

M - "Thanks! I'll owe you one!"

I hang up, and move my phone away. I still have homeworks to do, and it's gonna be a long night.

I love doing a mission for the LoV, but I hate school and all those hero trainings. They don't even know that their making a villain stronger. They'll never be able to stop me, later. I grin at this thought. Also, I don't really know for how long we'll need to stay there, following classes, like good students. I also heard that we'll have a hero camp during summer. Might be a good idea to have the LoV joins the party, right? Knowing the school, they'll never give us the address of the camp. I'll just have to send the others the location, once we're there, and wait for them to start playing! After I've dealt with Shigaraki, I'll talk to the others in the League about it.

At 8.30 pm, I'm finally ready to go talk to Shiggy. I wear my sport clothes and tell my mom I'm going for a run before sleeping. She tells me to be carefull, as always, and I run in the fresh air of the evening. I'm at the place at 8.50 pm, so I just wait under a tree.

S - "Izuku! I'm here..."

I've told him God only knows how many times, not to call me Izuku, but he wouldn't listen...

M - "Hey."

He wants to kiss me, but I pull away. He looks confused, and I start explaining the situation. I just hope Dabi's already here...

M - "Look. We need to break up. We're not a sane couple. You're to jealous and possessive, I can't even talk to Todoroki or Dabi about the mission, because you'll get jealous and think I might leave you for them." He tries to say something, but I cut him off"Don't talk. Let me finish."

I give him a warning look. He's in so much pain, seeming to know what will come next, that he can't bring himself to say anything. I continue.

M - "I've almost lost by credibility in front of those who are supposed to be my friends at school. YOU forgot about the mission, YOU forgot that I have feelings too, YOU made me feel miserable, and because of YOU, I've lost feeling for you, days after days. Don't come to me, crying and saying you want me to take you back, because it won't happen. YOU broke something in me. Because of YOU, I've lost the capacity to love. I don't know how I'll be able to trust anyone else in a relationship, because I'll be scared they might be like YOU. I might be a villain, but I'm still a softy, sometimes. I'm okay with that part of me. I still want to love someone more than I love myself. It's not that difficult, since I hate myself, but still. Oh, and by the way, because of YOU, I hate myself even more. Wanna know why?"

He only nods, not able to say anything, too hurt to open his mouth. He's in so much pain that he thinks nothing will hurt him even more. And, during all of my speech, I realize that everything I'm saying is true. Breaking up with him is not that painful for me, actually, as I also realize it's for the best.

M - "I hate myself for loving a toxic man such as you."

I turn away, hoping that he won't follow me. Unfortunately, he decides otherwise.

S - "Babe... Please... I can't l-leave without you..."

He grabs my hand, but I pull myself away from him.

M - "Yes, you can. Dabi we'll be here for you I'm sure. He loves you, so don't treat him like you treated me, okay?"

*Back in time, when Deku called Dabi*

[Dabi's pov]

I put my phone on the table. Deku needs me to protect him from the one I love. I know Shiggy treated him like shit, but I also know Shiggy wanted to change for him. As much as I want to be with Shiggy, I would prefer for him to be with Deku, if it means he'll be happy. Well, I'll help him getting through it. 

I call Shoto, I want him to come with me, to see he's crush turning single again. 

T - "What is it, brother? I'm not in the mood at all."

He seems angry, and I hear him mutter something about killing Shigaraki.

D - "Don't be like that. You won't have to kill him. In four little hours, your little Deku will be single."

T - "What?!"

I explain then what Deku had said, and tell him to come with me to see them.

That's how, four hours later, we end up hearing all the conversation between Midoriya and Shigaraki. And that's how Shoto ends up hearing the one he loves saying how broken he is and how I end up seeing the one I love being said I love him.


He didn't.

Oh, no, Deku didn't.


Shoto looks at me, fear filling his eyes, and preparing himself to grab me, if I try to run in Deku. I wanna cry. That's when I hear Midoriya calling after me. And after Todoroki.

M - "Dabi, come, he'll need you now. Hope he won't treat you like he treated me. Todoroki, you really need to work on your discretion. I saw you since a long time, trying to hide behind that tree. Now I'm going to the hideout, I have information to give."

[Midoriya's pov]

I also wanna cry. I know I don't really love him, actually, but I gave all I got to end up this. I'm exhausted, and I just wanna cry before heading for the hideout. I see Dabi running to Shigaraki, trying to explain everything, but also to comfort him.

Well, it wasn't that bad. There's still one thing bothering me, tho.

M - "Can I ask you why you here, Todoroki?"

He jumps.

T - "Well... Umh... Dabi asked me to come, he thought Shigaraki would be more aggressive than that... Yeah, that's why I'm here."

He's weird. I shrunk and start walking away when he calls after me. Damn it, can't he just leave me alone?

T - "Wait! Can I... Can I come with you to the hideout?"




M - "Yeah, whatever"


I slap myself mentally.

No time to break down now, I guess.

[1273 words]

A/N : Hope you enjoyed :) Have a nice day/night.

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