14. ShiggyDabi for ya'll.

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A/N : I still haven't slept a lot but I'm kinda starting to get use to it, it should be ok today!

[Dabi's POV]

It's getting late, I really need to find Shiggy. I want to help him, thanks to Midoriya's advices. I know Shiggy won't hurt me, I'm mentally stronger than Midoriya, I should be fine with him. The problem is that I don't know if I should confess to him today, or wait...

I don't want to wait! I'll tell him. I just need to find him, and take him out for a walk.

I go to his room, I guess he's just locked up still in here, then. I knock.

D - "Shiggy? It's me, Dabi... Can I come in?"

He grunts, and I take that for a 'yes', so I push the door and close it behind me. It's all dark in his room, I can't really see anything. I just let my eyes adjust to it, before heading for his bed, where he seems to be lying.

D - "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a walk just the two of us, and talk."

He doesn't respond, he just pushes the blanket up his head more. I put my hand to his cheek, and notice it's all wet. He's crying. Shit. However, he leans his face in my hand, his body shaking like crazy. He cries aloud now. I pull him into a hug, letting him crying all his sadness in my arms. It breaks my heart to see him that vulnerable, and I can't do anything except hugging him. After what felt like hours, he starts to calm down. That's when I realise he doesn't wear his gloves, but he made sure not to put all his fingers on me, keeping his thumbs up. Even while breaking down, he wanted to keep me safe from himself. It warms me up a bit, thinking about him protecting me while I try to protect him. God I love him! I'm so soft with him by my side, and I kinda like that, to be honest. 

S - "I'm sorry..." I jump, I didn't expect him to speak already. "Now your T-shirt is all wet because of me..."

D - "Don't worry about that, I can still change, or just remove it, it's no big deal. What about you? Do you wanna talk?"

He nods, saying that he's okay to talk, but not to go outside. I agree, and he just starts telling how much he hurts from his loss of Deku. He tells me he heard him having a panic attack on the other side of his room, before heading for Todoroki's, asking for his help. He says that it's his fault if Deku suffers that much, because he was a dick with him. He has so much regrets in him, I can't say anything, because I know he's the one who fucked up. But let's not forget he wanted to apologise and make things better the day Midoriya broke up with him without even listening to what he had to say. That's what I tell him, I tell him to stop blaming himself for everything. Admittedly, he did all wrong with him at the beginning, he had already broken poor Izuku, but still.

D - "Do you understand what I'm saying? You are not a monster, you just didn't know how to love him. I know you won't make the same mistakes with the next person you will love... Just try to fall for someone stronger."

He nods and looks at me in the eyes. He seems to be looking for his words, I put my hand on his cheek again, he leans at the touch, closes his eyes, and finally says : "You are stronger than him..."


I mean, yeah, I am. But why would he say that?

D - "What do you mean?"

S - "Maybe... Maybe the right person was just right under my nose this all time. I know you love me, that's what he said... But you never told me... Why?"

D - "I just knew you didn't love me that way. I want you to be happy, even if it's with someone else."

I look away, when he opens his eyes. I can't face him after that, I feel ashamed. I shouldn't, but I can't help it, really. I just love him too much. 

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