7. A new member?

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[Midoriya's POV]

*The next day, in the morning*

I thought about this all night, I almost didn't sleep... School will be fun, I guess, I'll sleep there. 

I'm not close to Kaminari at all, but I know he's the kind of person to befriend anyone. I mean, he's friend with Mineta, why wouldn't he be friend with me?

I decide to call Kurogiri first, before trying anything more.

K - "Izuku, my boy, why do you call this early? You forgot something yesterday?"

M - "No, I'm fine. I just have a request."

K - "Yes?"

M - "There's a boy, in my class, who I think might be a good member to the League. He's quite powerful, and with our training at the Hideout, he might become even more powerful."

K - "What's his name and quirk?"

M - "He's Kaminari Denki, he's quirk is electricity."

Kurogiri gasps at the name. I ask him if everything's ok.

[A/N : the character that will be mentioned is from my own mind, I've just invented it for the story :) ]

K - "Have you ever heard of Kaminari Yukio?"

M - "Who's that?"

K - "He was Kaminari Denki's grandfather. He was a big villain in his era, and he's still the villain with the biggest kills number. He was never caught, he has never put a foot in prison. He was feared by everyone. When he died, They made him disappear from History. I doubt that your friend himself knows anything about him."

M - "Well, I could still give it a shot, couldn't I? Without giving myself out, at first. I could make out a story or something."

K - "You can. But be extremely careful, okay?"

I agree, end the call, and get ready for school, while thinking about how I could talk to Kaminari. I'll have to be discreet, I can't let others have any suspicion on me!

*Time skip - end of school*

I thought about it all day, I haven't even slept like I thought I would. I know what I'll do. I asked Kaminari to join me on the roof at the end of the day. He had a troubled look on his face, but agreed nonetheless. I am now waiting for him.

Now that I think about stuff, I realise that Todoroki wasn't at school today. Has he forgot the plan, the mission? Stupid boy.

K - "Oi! Midoriya-kun!"

Kaminari is here. Now let the party begins.

M - "Hey, man! You doing great?"

K - "Except for that test Aizawa gave us that I totally failed, yup, fine. You?"

I shrug with a smile, saying I'm as fine as I guy who lost one year of his life being locked in a villain hideout. He laugh.

K -"How are you able to laugh about something like that?"

M - "Well, let's say I don't wanna look like a little crybaby, traumatised for life. And this brings us to what I wanted to talk to you about."

K - "How does a villain conversation leads to me?"

M - "While I was there, I heard them talk about a guy called Kaminari Yukio, does this sound familiar to you?"

One day after another - A Villain TodoDeku storyWhere stories live. Discover now