Chapter 2:

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Blake's POV:

And I just stood there confused as hell, I mean I saw her once then kept thinking about her, now the kiss how am I supposed to get over that even though I kissed plenty of girls in so many ways her kiss felt different felt good and I didn't want it to end ohh I sound like a pussy! I should probably start walking now people will think I'm kinda of a freak standing in the middle of the road, I started walking and went to this close café it looked nice and cozy and I needed to chill I walked in and there was this old lady that looked really nice

"Good afternoon dear, what can I get you?" she asked me with a smile witch I returned

"Good afternoon my day, may I have a cup of black coffee please?" I asked faking a British accent and winked at her and she laughed

"You are by far my favorite costumer" she replied and I smiled and nodded and then I took a seat at the counter waiting for her to serve me coffee

"do you work here alone? Isn't that tiring?" I asked her

"do you mean I'm too old" she replied

"No, no offence but when it's crowded how do you manage to serve all the costumers?" I asked again and now she came and put cup of coffee next to me

"No,I don't work alone there's this girl she work here but she only comes after school, speaking of witch why aren't you at school?" she asked me I took a sip of my coffee and it tasted so good

"well I was on my way then I got distracted by something and I saw your café and thought I needed to clear my head, plus I'm too smart for school" I replied smirking

"Ahah, you do look pretty smart and handsome" she said while smiling then another costumer came in and she excused herself and went to see what they wanted, I just sat there enjoying my coffee and thinking that I should really know more about this mystery runner girl, but how? That's a thing I need to find out

I finished my coffee and went to pay for it

"Oh no dear this is on me, and I'm looking forward to seeing your lovely face again" she said with a grin

"thanks you and I'll make sure to come by every time I get a chance 'cause now I'm addicted to your amazing coffee, beautiful" I replied and winked at her then grabbed her hand and kiss it

"Take care my love" I added she smiled and let out a small laugh

"I will dear, you do the same" she replied and I smiled turned around and walked out

Hailey's POV:

"Ring!!!" the sound of my alarm filled my room I groaned and went to turn it off, yesterday when I came back home Tony was gone dad said it was just a threat but I was really tired of those threats and tired of always being scared that I might lose my dad, I let those thoughts drift away and I went to take a shower I put on my black, jeans and my grey sweater I dried my hair and the house was quite I took my bag and went downstairs, looks like dad was still asleep I'll go check up on him I went back upstairs to his room I knocked but there was no answer so I just went in and the room was empty then my phone rang it was a payphone number

"Hello" I answer

"Hailey, I'm sorry I had to go I don't want you getting hurt" my dad said

"what? Me getting hurt you mean you did that to save yourself Dad where did you go? Come back!" I yelled over the phone

"I'm sorry you're so beautiful like your mother and I want you safe just know that I love you" he said then hang up

"No dad don't hang up!!! Please don't go" I fell on the floor and cried I'm all alone now I thought as I looked to the empty room

Then I heard a sound downstairs I went running thinking my dad came back but I was faced with Frank and Tony

"call your dad kiddo the boss wants to see him" Frank said

"he's not here" I replied

"then go call your dad and tell him that the boss need him" Tony said

"he's gone" I whispered

"what did you say?" he asked

"He's gone,he left" I replied louder for him to hear

"I knew we couldn't trust him he fucking ran away! The boss will kiss us!" Frank shouted then he pulled out the gun "maybe if we kill his little baby he'll finally show up" he said and aimed the gun to my head

"He won't he left me he doesn't care, please don't kill me" I said in fear "I'll get the money I'll work hard and get you the money I'll do anything you want me to just don't kill me" I added he nodded to Tony and went to talk in the phone Tony came back and stood in front of frank

"The boss said we shouldn't kill her and that he know a way how to make her pay" Tony said and Frank put his gun down

"you see the boss is really rich to the point he owns a private art school and he wants you to go study there" he said and I nodded confused I mean how can that get me money

"The school participate in an talent show every year and the winner gets a lot of money and the school will take credit for that and will be known as the best art school in the country, and here comes your turn you will go to school take art course participate win the price and give us the money, and if you don't win Boom we kill you and find your dad and kill him too" He simply said as if it was nothing and I just nodded because I had no choice.

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now