Chapter 15:

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A week and no sight of Blake never once came home or called or answered his phone I was heartbroken and mad but couldn't help but feel worried about him I was walking in the hallway of school I went from English class to the singing one I took my seat and listen to the teacher

"it's time you guys tell us the song you chose to sing with your partner the competition is in two days,write your name and your partner's and also the song you picked and put it in this bowl" the teacher said and we did so.

I wrote the song and Blake's name along with mine and throw it there class went pretty fast and it was lunch time I sat not feeling hungry I bought a bottle of juice to be little energetic my phone rang and it was Julian calling

"Hey" I said"Hi, so how are you feeling now after all that happened?"he asked yes I told him about Blake at work and he took me to his place upstairs and we lied down as he comfort me

"getting better" I lied I cry every night in that dark apartment

"good, so any news?" he asked

"no not really, just that the teacher announced that the competition will be in two days and we should write down the song we picked to sing" I informed him

"but you don't have a partner, what will you do?" he asked

"don't know maybe I'll sing alone but they won't accept me and I have to win this" I remembered the mafia I totally forgot about the danger I was in if I lost

"I can sing with you" he suggested a"really?" I asked

"yeah of course what are best friends for just tell me the name of the song and I'll train on the male part we can sing it together when you come to work and see how it goes" he said

"Thank you" I replied then the bell ring "well I gotta go to class see you later" I said

"Later Love" he replied and I hang up rushing to class

School ended and I went home, and just like every day it was empty I changed and turned on the Tv then the doorbell rang I went and opened it and there stood Alex

"Hey" he greeted

"Hi" I replied and opened the door wider for him to step in

"how are you" he asked

"fine, I guess" I replied and we took a seat

"just came to tell you Blake is fine" he started and I turned to look at him "he's staying at the beach house" he added and I nodded

"Hailey you know he would never hurt you right" he said

"yeah but why didn't he answer me when I asked him where he slept that night" I questioned "because he honestly didn't know" he replied and I was confused

"what do you mean?" I asked

"look I'll explain the whole thing for you" he said and I nodded

"after he was mad like that he came to the race and won we all went partying like we usually do but there were this girl always hitting on him and following him but he always pushed her away" he started and I nodded for him to continue "He was drunk and so was Daniel so I grabbed a taxi for Blake and told the driver the address because I knew you will be here and I had to take Daniel because he always done stupid things while he was drunk and end up in jail" he said "the next day Blake called me and asked me to come and take him from this place and I went, he got in the car and explained to me what happened, he said that the taxi stopped in the traffic then a guy came and gave him money he was drunk and dizzy couldn't figure out what was happening the taxi drove him to this isolated place and throw him there he tried to fight but a guy came from behind and drugged him and he passed out there the whole night" he finished and I was shocked, it was him it was the unknown guy he said the cost will be worse and he meant it "Oh my god!" I gasped "I should've let him explain how could I" I said feeling guilty and hurt

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now