Chapter 11:

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Hailey's POV:

"I won't even bother to ask you where we're going knowing you won't tell me" I said sitting in my seat and turning the radio on and he smiled at me, the beat of the Dj burst out from the radio and I turned up the volume suddenly the air hit my face I looked up and saw the blue sky I turned to Blake and he was already looking smiling at me I lift my hand and screamed as he speed

After a while we reached our destination as the car stopped in front of a beach house more like a mansion and I gasped at the view

"this is so beautiful" I said and looked up to face Blake who was smiling at me this is weird today and since we left home he was quiet and only smiling at me

"come on let's go inside" he said taking my hand and as soon as they connected I felt something warm inside guess Blake felt the same cause he looked down at our hands and smiled to himself and just looked away we entered the house and it was as amazingly looking from the inside as it was from the outside

"it's being a long time since I last came here" he spoke next to me

"well it's great" I said "come on let's go outside" I said dragging him along with me I let go of his hand and ran to the beach my foot hit the water and it felt so good I looked up to the sky and closed my eyes smelling the scent of the beach.

Blake's POV:

I stood there as Hailey ran to the beach I froze at my place staring at her while she was smiling and playing with water she closed her eyes and opened her arms smelling the scent of the beach, today I realized something, I realized that started falling for Hailey and kept thinking about that during all the drive to here she brings the smile to my face only by looking at her, she's so innocent weak fragile yet so strong she's a fighter and went through a lot which made me like her even more.

Suddenly she turned around "Blake! What are you still doing there? Come here" she shouted and I jogged to her

"what were you doing standing there?" she asked as soon as I reached her

"Just enjoying the view" I said looking at her eyes she turned around to look at the sea

"I know it's such a beautiful view" she said 'but not as beautiful as you' wanted to say but I didn't I can't show her my feelings now she'll get scared and probably leave the house and I won't risk losing her suddenly I felt two hands pressed on both sides of my cheek

"Hey Blake, what's up with you, you've being spacing out since we came and you were quiet during the road and what is more confusing is that you don't even look upset but really happy with a bright smile on your face" she said softly and I couldn't take my eyes off of her eyes,I trailed down to her soft red lips as she bite them I pushed the hair out of her face and touched her cheek as she looked at my lips I leaned in and she didn't move so I kept getting closer she closed her eyes and I did the same felt our nose touching and then we were hit by a big vague and we were soaking wet we both gasped then started laughing

"how many time do I have to get wet and you have to borrow me your clothes" she said walking inside the house and I stopped walking she then turned around with her cheek burning red and I smirked

"so you get wet every time I'm around, Ha?" I teased getting closer

"that didn't sound well didn't it? I just meant –euh..." her words died as I was facing her

"my shirt is annoying me and if I don't take it off I might catch a flue" I said and she just nodded I could sense her getting nervous and I smirked I took off my shirt and throw it away and she just stared at my bare chest I undid my pants buttons and she looked down in shock

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now